As an owner of a business, I can dictate how I want my business to be presented to the buying public. They have the ability to quit and do something else just like we all do if they dont like the business they work for. Side Football Tattoos 8. In saying that Cam is up for it and he will be great, it is just going to take some time. ahI remember when America used to be alot more about personal freedom (about 10-12 years ago) and less about conforming to the new corporate america that is now in control. You pay me that kind of money, you own me Im yours, sir. Big diff to being the face of the franchise and being a backup linebacker.. Richardson has a reasonable point in this manner.. Newton will be the first face in all of the ads for the team and organization.. Its not about race or slavery or any of that other B.S. updated March 23, 2022, 7:35 am You meant isnt in the last sentence, phaktor. Otherwise I have no issues with tattoos and piercings on players. On the other hand Im a little disapointed in Cam. A perfect example is Robert Kraft and his relationships with his team. Instead they are becoming more involved in the Global Business that their team is and investing their personal time into the players, employees, and teams. He doesnt seem to have any issues with the request so Im not sure its even a problem. Lighten up people. It sounds to me like Jerry was asking him to keep it the way he has. I dont care what why he tries to spin it, those comments were clearly racist.. George Steinbrenner had the same rule for Yankees players. Richardson is just helping Cam be an entertainer and an icon.. to middle aged white people, just like himself. As for Richardson not wanting Cam to get tats or piercings, its his team and he can request or demand how his players look on the field or in front of the press. WebSome famous people who have a tattoo include Michael Jordan, Paul Stanley (of WWE fame), Sylvester Stallone, and Marilyn Monroe. I wondered how I would have felt if one of my back surgeons showed up in his scrubs with arms full of tattoos and lips, nose, cheeks and ears pierced. A man child would go get tatoos despite what the guy said. Its the same deal here. Paul Pogba. Those who say Richardson can run his business as he sees fit, that theyve had jobs that forbid tattoos, etc. LOL, Richardson is senile. French international NGolo Kante remains a humble human being despite his recent successes. People always look way too deep into things. ************************************************** If youre more concerned with your QBs looks than his dedication and hard-work, than that explains why you havent drafted a good one in as long as I can remember. I liked it better when players took steroids bigger,stronger,faster whats wasnt to like ? Most of them expressed their support for Brady Quinn over Tebow, but not Josh Lucero. If Cam wishes to get exposed tatoos, its his business, but then doesnt deserve to be rewarded for non-compliance when contract day rolls around. Nothing wrong with JR stating his preferences to kid that hes going to draft and pay to be the face of his franchise. Translation: Dont want to scare white people. Kentucky's Republican governor has appointed former NFL player Derrick Ramsey as secretary of the Education and Workforce Development . Most companies have an expectation that their leaders present themselves in a certain way. While Cam is not a front office guy he is the CEO on the field. Otherwise I have no issues with tattoos and piercings on players. Would he have desired the came from Brady or Manning? Anyone whos worked in the real world knows this isnt uncommon. LMAO @ mrmilstead, havent seen a comment that good in a while. There just arent that many supremely gifted athletes like Vick out there that can spend virtually no extra time on being a great QB. I think he is a control freak with some serious anger issues. i think a TON of people are missing the point. if he doesnt want him to have tqtoos or piercings, he has every right to request that. But I cant have BOTH at this stage in my career. Nikola Jokic. Ill be posting some of the most interesting aspects of their discussion right here. Jerry owns the team and can ask his player (s) to have no tattoos. Apparently, Richardson is willing to tolerate those things when it comes to men who wont become the face of the franchise. They asked him before the draft if he could be that public face and he agreed. People forget that these guys work FOR the owners just like you work FOR your boss. I disagree with the assertion. BUT I think im reading into Richardsons intentions the face of the franchise will make both of them money if he is clean of those markings. It is a joke people support such dumb rules to be enforced on someone. The standards are not the same for everybody/everywhere. Where is Allen Iverson when you need him? He said, No, sir. Solid Oak Sketches filed suit on Monday in New York federal court, saying that particular tattoos depicted on players in the recent game NBA2K16 was the company's copyrighted work. ============================== Take Donald Driver for examplehe wears two big earrings and it looks like (from a quick google image search) he has some tattoos on his arms. i work for a guy that wanted to fire someone because they had an extra-marital affair with someone who wasnt affiliated with the job. He doesnt care about Shockeys appearance b/c Shockey isnt on sportscenter on a daily basis wearing a panthers jersey. Welcome to the real world Jerry. He is one of the few footballers without tattoos as it prohibited in his religion Islam. 4. You could go a lot of different ways with a tattoo featuring The Greek Freak as its headline, but the Milwaukee Bucks 2. Mane Richardson is a hypocrite did he not wanted Mike Vick at one pointSMH. I know many companies you require that no tatoos or piercings be visible. Only one of the the top two players in franchise history was inked up and down the arm. The guys is paying him millions of dollars to be the face of his franchise. First I think we need to remember that the NFL is a JOB! that some of you morons mentioned. Claiming that our jobs mean nothing & that monkeys could do it. You know NOTHING about any of us.some are firefighters who run into a burning building to save lives & property. Its called be an adult and realizing that you dont just get to do whatever you want and not possibly suffer consequences. Those players currently in the league with visible tattoos will be given the option to cover them up before games, practices and press conferences. What makes you part of the team is not the draft but the contract that is signed, which most NFL contract do have a morality/ dress code clause look at Plexico Buress and others who violate their teams contracts by doing stupid things. Truth is though, Richardson is doing Newton a favor. WebThe adidas Predator Absolute Gold dropped without warning this morning, November 1st, 2022 on adidas. Tattoos have received a negative connotation in recent years, going as far as the NFL might hire police experts to study players tattoos, according to an article published by CBS . But to single Cam out specifically, esp since hes black, is tainted with the stench of blatant racism. So I guess all of the bloggers were drafted to work at their current companies right? It cant be a case-by-case issue (even though that seems to be the leagues M.O.). Cmon Cam show a pair! Fans may be the lifeblood of the NFL, but theyre going to be there regardless. The first one relates to the pre-draft meeting between Richardson and quarterback Cam Newton. That being said if Newton is going to be the face of the franchise the Panthers have the right to tell him the image they want him to portray. Tattoos are the new mainstream. I guess it is a fair assumption you have never heard of the CFL, UFL or Arena Football League. I just wanna know why you cant tackle some fool by his hair if hes going to wear it hanging out so far. I have no opinion about whether players should have tattoos or not. No matter how famous you are, somethings are prohibited in the Bale household and that includes tattoos. Its his team so he can do so. However you cant tackle by the shoulder pads and sometimes players get flagged because when they have the hair it LOOKS like the pads. If I want piercings or tats, I can go do something else. Company policy should apply here as well, in my opinion. And uh, I am a Raider fan. In the wake of the Aaron Hernandez arrest, some eyebrows were raised at the news that authorities were scanning his vast array of tattoos for evidence of gang connections. If my memory serves me correctly Jerry was a big supporter of the rooney rule. cam wont get to draw that line. Then Richardson would have to risk cutting talent (Im not a Cam fan), taking a PR hit and letting Cam take his talents to another team. From hair length, to facial hair, and most certainly tattoos (can you imagine a big professional law or accounting firm having a employee with tattoos and piercings all over their bodies?). my issue is this: sure companies can dictate how you show up and act at work, i get that. Julius, you may be the best DE in the league but I dont want my best player to have tattoos, so GTFO. Please explain how you managed to make this about race, I gotta see this. Youd think a guy walking around with donated organs pumping through him would not be concerned with such trivial issues. Joel Embiid. Some employers even take it a step furtherMy partner is a firefighter, and she had to sign a morals clause as part of her employment contract with the city. To tell Cam in this way borders on taking away his freedom on speech through written expression. WebFrom a big, beefy offensive lineman having Mamas Boy tatted on his massive biceps to Jeremy Shockeys nod to the great American bald eagle, the league is littered with tattoos that are questionable at best. Any job like that is going to have image standards and moral terpitude clauses. You can ask them, not tell them. Man I usually HATE when the race card is played but this sure walks a fine line. My dad walked in and I swear I thought he was going to kill me, said Bale. Business owners (and the NFL is a business) have a right to do so. Hmmmmm, 3octaveFart says: Why all the indignation because the owner wants the face of his franchise to be Wheaties cereal cover material? I have a problem with the fact that this was even a part of his thought process. You are watching the sterilization of this country happening right before your eyesand I notice that most of you respondersare already touting the corporate linelike good lemmings do. Who are their critics to say otherwise, nobody? owner doesnt equal king of the world. NFL players can have as many tattoos as they want, and they do not have to cover them under any rules. is. He told him he cant have tatoos or piercings! And such is life! Show me one NFL player without any tattoos and I will show you 15 that do. Yeah, I think owners have every right to decide whats important to them in building their brand, including whether their most marketable player has tattoos. All you widget business owners out there can dictate how your employees dress. Richardson is an idiot. In the NFL a player does not have that choice and therefore should not be forced into an image he does not want. One guy I graduated from college learned this lesson the hard way. The easy solution is to remove non-visible piercings when you put on the uniform. Best comment of the day. Its his team so he can do so. Im a banker. When big money starts changing hands, companies are more likely to support teams and athletes that represent the type of image the company wishes to present for itself. You guys side with the people in power on everything. I guess he would turn down the new Tom Brady? yes its true, lots of companies have policy against visible tats while at work, and i can agree with that. It may not be your choice, and it may not be the most courageous choice, but its a legitimate choice. Wrong. If your company says no tattos or No piercing it is a written policy. Not to be superstitious but a tattoo would definitely mess up the team mojo if he got one now, right? Tattoos and piercings are a little different, if theyre covered (or removed), when in uniform, I dont think they shouldnt be an issue. most companies will take the angle that you can get em if you want, just dont show em at work, and i think thats fair. If teams want shrink the talent pool they pick from then all the power too them. However, there is a middle visible tattoos. I have several tats that are in memory of loved ones who have diedas well as several others that have special meaning. He has just as much right to put expectations on his employees as any other owner of any other company. They dont have to work at the establishment. Impact of NFLs Potential New Policy on Tattoos General Aug 15 Bruce Feldman of CBS tweeted, Spoke w longtime NFL personnel man who said in wake of Aaron Hernandez teams may use police experts to check prospects tattoos. This generated a slew of questions from football fans and Americans in general. Tattoos and piercings say exactly that. In many cases, people use tattoos/piercings as a form of self-expression. Players have to cover tattoos and be well groomed. Thats what all you widget owners want, right? As much as I DESPISE players using the slave term. I have no visible tats and no piercingsbecause its BAD FOR BUSINESS!!! It is not unreasonable that owners want them to be non controvertial and risk alienating their fan base. Its not like this is new. Now obviously an athlete will have a little more trouble hiding these things because of the locker room, but Richardson made a request, Newton, as a man (and if they are men here, they are men when they make a mistake too), can follow that request or ignore it. Lionel Messi or Kylian Mbappe? I have no problem with people who love tattoos (I know several) and want to cover their body in them, but just dont complain about your lack of job prospects because you dont look very professional no matter how you dress. I wouldnt. That could be construed to be a health and safety issue, particularly in a contact sport. However, here are the rules that I want you to play with. (thats a joke) But really, the team is in the south and the culture down here is still not totally ready to be led by a person of color. Its the voice of reason in an age where the game is getting out of control of the owners. Other dumb black QBs? Come to think of it, Ive seen far more whites with tattoos and piercings falling off their bodies than I have blacks. Then French young sensation Kylian Mbappe refuses to wear any tattoos on his body. But anyway, he is a classy player but we wouldnt be surprised to see him in a tattoo shop. Regardless of the motivation, theres something troubling about Richardsons position. The kids might like it but adults ie people with money were turned off. The players in the 2013 NFL Draft Class have no shortage of impressive tattoos. WebIts inevitable to come across some flashy tattoos in a locker room full of NFL athletes. Yeah, because having 60-80 yr old white guys running things has worked out so well lately.we should also commend them for extending their personal believes onto younger generations, because change is bad. He certainly has a right to do whatever he wants. And if I got them, and suddenly was let go, can I really say my rights have been infringed upon? I do understand that things can be taken to the extreme to the point of alienating people even though your behavior is perfect (its harder to relate to someone with multiple facial piercings and a grill than someone without those things)but overall I think its overkill to say no tats/piercings at all. First of all, there is no race issue here. Arent there baseball teams that dictate whether a player can grow a beard? This isnt a matter of an owner telling a player how to dress and act; its about a businessman maximizing his products marketability. Personal individuality and freedoms are being taken more and more by corporations that see their workforce as disposable and easily replaceable, hence, they believe they can tell you what to think, who to be, what you do with your body, they monitor what you say on facebook, twitter, and other social media in order to try to stifle personal opinions and thoughts. If Jerry wants the face of the Panthers to appear clean-cut, thats his right. This interview took place BEFORE the draft. Maybe that makes him unattractive to media but he is the best!. Arm Football Tattoos 4. The sneaker features the fan-favorite "Shattered Backboard" colorway, with white leather on the base and black. Why does a Man feel the need to wear an earring anyway?? Next in the list is the Egyptian King known as Mo Salah. Here's hoping he never feels a need to wear long sleeves under his 49ers jersey to cover the tattoos. The 6-foot-5, 230-pound Johnson was the preseason SEC player of the year in. Is hard reset only way to salvage Jets QB dilemma? As long as there continue to be other players on his team with tats or piercings, Newton can make a clear-cut case for discrimination if he is disciplined for getting either himself. Richardson, who said that Newton was dressed perfectly for their meeting, was blunt. People somehow think it is their constitutional right to take a job somewhere and look and do whatever they want because of freewill.incorrect. The BOSS had certain standards for the Yankees when it came to facial hair. Leg Football Tattoos 9. If Newton busts, hell be off the team regardless if he has any tats or not. An employer has the right to create an image with its employees that it wants to foster with the public. Either way, there is nothing JR can do if Newton goes and gets a dozen tattoos and piercings tomorrow. They just want the most talented guys. These should be implied when you are put in place to be the Face!. Hes difficult, and in all liklihood the reason he doesnt want newton to have tattoos is because of a misconcdption about whether Newton can be successfully marketed while simultaneously being tatted and black. I dont think so. you ppl mean nothing, could find a monkey to do your job. And to be honest, I seriously doubt many people care what you look like as long as you get the freakin job done. A sign of maturity would be to not get the tats to appease the owner and not really give a crap about it either. Just as long as it isnt in the form of a threat or ultimatum. Calf Football Tattoos 10. (and by the way richardson is right, a mother or father will have a lot tougher time convincing their kids to NOT get tattoos if the local sports hero is covered in them. Richardson, while appearing to be draconian, is essentially correct. There is something special about being and NFL QB and Cam fully appreciates and understands that. It also seems to say more than we own your services and borders on we own you. LeBron is covered in ink and he seems like an all around decent person (The Decision aside). Newton is going to be the face of the franchise, and this is Richardsons franchise. The only issue is: a) Whether the team is willing to enforce the code to everyone fairly. I just wanna know why you cant tackle some fool by his hair if hes going to wear it hanging out so far. Jerry, do you care more about winning football games or playing house? You can. This is kin to Cowherd making his point that Romo needs to take that damn backwards baseball cap off.. Jerry Richardson is becoming the East Coast Al Davis. There are trade offs. No. He is one of a few footballers without tattoos. Is that fair? I agree that this is both troubling and disturbing to say the least However, I have noticed that this is yet another example of the new corporate mentality that is being allowed to take over this country. He is just one of many muslim footballers without tattoos. 16. Manchester Uniteds star midfielder, Paul Pogba refuses to wear any tattoos on his body. Tattoosshmeh not so much. If you work ANYPLACEyou have to follow rules. You can do anything you want. New York Yankees veteran left-handed reliever Aroldis Chapman was placed on the 15-day injured list Saturday because of an infected wound he got from a recent tattoo procedure, the club announced. In 2014, tattoos returned with "Madden NFL 15" for just one player: Colin Kaepernick. I dont have tattoos or any piercings, and I would like to keep it that way. some families are probably turning off pro sports right now, just because of this explosion of tats in the last 15 years.). . I think its probably aimed at the Look at me persona that a lot of NFL players have adopted. Super Bowl bound Beckham is said to have as many as 86 pieces of art on his body with all different meanings. employees do have rights. And for that I applaud him. If Cam decides to get a piercing or tat, Im sure he will. ( conservatism reigns)Not unlike the person in the White House, Cam is being rejected for who he is and not what he does. Also look to the military, sure soldiers, sailors, and airmen get tats, but if they are visible like on the face or hands they are subject to article 15 under the USMJ destruction or harm to Government Property like the individual who could be reduced in rank and subject to discharge. Well, the guy got ticked off and blew the interview. I dont have any. I said, Do you have any piercings? He said, No, sir. Operation Sports Forums > Football > Madden NFL Football > Madden Will work with any roster or draft class but doesn't have tattoos for any player without face scan. Jerry owns the team and can ask his player(s) to have no tattoos. This mentality is being shoved down all of americas work force as Unions are being forced out. I guess I can see the owners point as the face of the franchise but man it sure sounds pretty old school. That being said, most businesses have dress codes for their employees. this, however, is taking it a step further by dictating how cam can look when hes not at work. freedomispopular says: No doubt, now that he has moved to play in the Chinese league, Not everyone who has tattoos is a gang-banger or crimminal. How about this.let Cam get the tattoo then rescind his contract and let him sign somewhere else where there is actual talent around him. Can somebody find out if Jerry ever asked these questions to a white player? Personally, I hate tattoos. The difference is you can also go to another restaurant that allows tats and piercings. AGAIN. A guy who has size, strength and perfectly merges RB talent and elite passing skills. Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time. The people doing the interview told him they didnt want any men representing their company wearing earrings or any other body piercings. At least hopefully Cam will show better judgement than Pryor and avoid getting any tattoos on his throwing arm in the 24 hours leading up to a game, that habit really hurt Pryors consistency. I didnt realize having tattoos and piercings was unreasonable. 5. Cam: WTF!!!!! Hand Football Tattoos I am the biggest Panthers fan and Cam Newtons most staunch supporter(and he needs it in Charlotte), since his first game against Clemson last year. Someone made a decent point about piercings, though. That being saiduntil the NFL states itI dont think the individual owners have the right as they are just pieces of the whole organization. Hes going to represent a whole franchise. Its a business people. Is a tattoo unprofessional? There are very few that can pull off reasonable tattoos, and none that can pull off piercings. Nobut players should know what the owners like. I always laugh at people who think that their boss cant dictate how they dress, look, etc. All types of races have tattoos and piercings. Believe it or not hes no dummy. So without further ado, its time to introduce the could-have-been-good, the bad and the ugly tattoos across the NFL. On the other hand Im a little disapointed in Cam. Unless Gabbert comes out and says he was told the same thing by Richardson in regards to his appearance, I have a problem with it. Its none of his business. If Mr. Richardson wants to pay me the kind of money hes paying Cam, he can tell me how to walk, how to eat my food and how to kiss my wife. But it is rediculous to think that people would watch the NFL less if all the players had tattoos and piercings. so if tom brady went out this offseason and got tatted up then got piercings all over his body, the pats wouldnt want him??? should rememberand how could they forgetthat Newton, as a union member, is covered by a collective bargaining agreement that sets out the conditions of his employment. EvalAngell 7 years ago #11 While I can't tell you which players don't have tattoos, I can tell you that offensive linemen always have the worst ones. I think the owner has the right but I dont see how it helps your team win games. I see your point and its a good one. Comparing this to typical workplaces LOL!!! Just for the record, most old people prefer young people to not have any piercings, tattoos, or ridiculous hair. but to be able to dictate what one chooses to do with his/her body (as long as its not immoral/illegal) as an employer? Many athletes get tattoos to honor those who have influenced their careers or to represent themselves positively through art. Seriously though, were talking about grown men who have families of their own yet Richardson wants to treat them like children. He owns the team and has done nothing wrong in stating that to him. Terrelle Pryor. Furthermore, check yourself in the mirror bro, for the way you embarrassed yourself and your franchise with your handling of preliminary CBA negotiations. Such is life. . . Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Aug 24, 2011 5:45 AM I dont have any. I said, Do you have any piercings? He said, No, sir. Athletes are NOT slaves, as much as some like to say. Just ask your grandparents. I have also placed him on the mythical collegiate, Mt. Where in this sentence did Mr. Richardson say he couldnt have a tattoo or any piercings? Richardson might as well have told Cam: If you ever feel slighted by me and want to piss me off, get yourself a tattoo.. That is fine. Love the fact that Cam doesnt have any, but it is certainly not up to Mr. Richardson to dictate this. He should just say no thanks, go get a couple of tats and sign with the Colts for less money and he can sit behind Manning. Web1. The Liverpool star has decided not to wear any tattoos. And Im sure his agent wanted the commission on that money. Good keep it that way. That is total BS. While it may seem odd to tell a grown man that he cant wear a tattoo or ear piercing, you could alway tell him hes more than welcome to wear them both for another team. I know I dont. Al Davis??? While Im sure Richardson is an old-school guy who has low regard for any manner of body ornamentation, this isnt so much about Jerry imposing his own personal values on a player; its a matter of maintaining and maximizing Cams image and marketability, particularly as it relates to the corporate sector. This Baltimore Ravens fan is chronicling his team's 2021 season in a permanent way -- tattoos for every win. Cam was hired. The society is beginning to infiltrate the entertainment that is conducive to a family visit to the stadium. These players represent their respective teams. Its simpleIf you want to play in the NFL you have to follow rules. Richardson is entitled to tell Newton to do anything he wants. How many would just harbor a disdain and not address it? If this is Richardsons policy, why isnt the whole team held to this standard? I dont agree with facial and neck tattoos, and primarily an ear piercing really is not that big of a deal. Find great deals on Mens Wide Dress Shoes at Kohl's today!. At least u admitted that ur white cause sadly, it seems catagorizing blacks is what many of u seem to enjoy doing without even thinking The poll results are sad. Sure, they are drafted by a team and therefore obligated to play for them or else harm their chances of playing anywhere at all, but they are not shackled to the deck and forced to scrub the floors.

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