tsukashima What, you already get your fill today? You questioned. #lev Are you dumb and deaf? Like you hadnt just threatened to break up with him and stormed out of the apartment. you, he forced himself to take a step forward, and another one, and another Say what you have to day, Oikawa. Um, Iwaizumi. I wronged you in so many ways and in every sense of the He couldnt tell if he was angry at you or at himself. Then what is it? You pulled him to lay his head in your lap,You should talk to me more you know. He smiled up at you and nuzzled his nose into your stomach. I thought you knew, He accused,I thought you knew what you were getting into. Hed thought it was dumb but had attended once when youd He knew you would never lie to him, so why had he assumed such a horrid thing? Nishinoya had assured him that he was nothing to worry about, that he should just trust you. It took a minute for him to process what youd just suggested, but once he did he was horrified. your childhood. Summary: Akaashi and Kuroo getting caught cheating and begging you for forgiveness. Tobio got over whelmed and needed to step out side you followed him and tugged on his shirt to get his attention but before you could say anything he blow up on you "WHAT?! Lev The two of you had constantly conflicting styles of living and he had no idea that you were going to have this many problems with how he managed his living space. brought a whole new wave of fresh tears to your eyes. Nothing. up, only to find you sitting beside him. #hinata Characters include (currently): Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, and Atsumu :] Updates are very slow! (Y/N), a day hasnt gone by when I dont think about Nishinoya and you did not fight often, but when you did, you fought hard. You had both spent the last hour getting in each others faces, screaming at one another. She probably begged you for it, right?, I bet she lets you bend her over your desk, just the way you like it, You stood up as tall as you could, stepping into him so he took a step back,I bet youre their fucking her every night you come home late-. Tears were prickling at his own eyes while he watched your hands rub at your neck, trying to sooth the red marks his own hand had created. Fix yourself before you try to fix us" you got up before grabbing his drink "I never know what you get but its good" and you walked away with it. Matsukawas usual sleepy one to break people with angst, but I wanted to give this one a try! Fuck, He groaned, kissing you harshly out of no where. Babe what are you doing up? He asked, You scared me!. Please, just hear me (Y/N), you have to believe You stood there for a moment, He looked at you and you acted like you didn't see anything. COME GET YALLS JUICE okay so. He was never angry at you, he never thought he could be. Im sorry Ive been gone so much lately. He pressed his chin on top of your head and hummed,Now what makes you think I dont want to have sex with you?, How about some Karasuno+Kuroo reacting to a break-up scare? stood, crying quietly to himself as you said goodbye to him forever. He used his entire body to corner you, his breath hot against your face and one of his hands holding your throat,What did you just say to me? He was livid, his vision was blurry. He snuck into your house at like 3 am and started yelling about how much he loved you. [7] But it was rarely this bad. relationships and rejections, he had never been able to fully recover from your Kageyama took a deep breath, pressing his fingers to his temples. You hit it back but missed and hit the blonde. Daichi hiding out in any of the rooms or inside the gym. Daichi had been stopping by every day with the hope that he would see you "Ara~ pipsqueak is early today". night. asahi You opened the door angrily because not only did you just fall asleep but it was 3 am. realizing that no one was on the other side of that door.. his head against yours, threading his fingers through your hair and trying to And he was tired so he yelled for you to shut up and for some reason tour body was like "fucking cry. loudly, Ill pay for this one, darling.. He wasnt quite sure how to fix this problem you two had. Its not a mistake to care! You lost, yes, but thats no excuse to close yourself off Putting space between you and your guy can dial down the intensity. snowy floor outside, grovelling for you to come back and say something, was Matsukawa was talking to you about. #karasuno #sugawara Its all a part of being alive and living I never said-, Dont lie to me! You screamed,I heard you complaining about me to Tadashi!. Usually Admin Terushima is the #tsukashima Just tell me later, The setter sighed,Get in here and fix this. Right before Asahi walked past him Suga grabbed his wrist, assessing the bouquet of flowers in his hand. Saeko told you what happened and you immediately felt ten times better. He dashed to ! Iwaizumi repeated himself, grabbing his keys and running out at him with pity. He got mad because of (insert shitty reason) you blank face punched him in the crotch. favourite drink. When I walked down the twelve years ago. But when he was out with Noya and he saw your getting coffee with someone he didnt recognize, it made his stomach turn. You nodded sheepishly and he kissed your cheek before going back to what he was doing. screamed, taking a step back. How could he so easily make a decision that could possibly split you two up for good? He looked behind him and you ran and hugged him "imsososososososososorry" you said super fast freaking out. It was He as another man took you in his arms and pressed his lips against yours. He was about to hang up the What was he going to do? Youre right, You turned on him, eyes a little watery, We do fight all the time. It was a one-time thing, when #fukurodani out. your cheating ex pleaded. Thats your choice, He said quietly,"I dont expect you to leave with mebut Im leaving. You were happy with your life now, happier than you had ever been with this After all these years, he finally had a chance You took a deep breath before glaring at him "you can walk home alone." Me too He smiled weakly, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. He asked you to meet him at a cafe and you agreed because free coffee/tea. You slightly trembled before you reached out and placed your hand He didnt like yelling at you, he hated fighting. I have eaten much, I haven't slept in god knows how longso even if you dont take me back can I spend the night with you? Oh, I scared you? You said in what might have been the most sarcastic tone Kuroo has heard in his entire life. He pinned you and his glare softened when no one but you could see "don't do it again. You two had just had the biggest fight of your entire three year relationship, and he understood why youd walked out. Its not! And most of his uneasiness stemmed from the fact that he was angry with you. deny that there was something intriguing about seeing him again and clearing Wow, its been a long The things you were saying to him just seemed so irrational in his head, like you werent hearing what he was trying to say. He was proud. of one of yours and his favorite cafs, and he was genuinely surprised to find weeks before, and watched as the last bit of hope died in them. In such a short time, you really changed too much. ! He growled his insecurities turning into anger,Why shouldnt I break up with you? life, remembering one moment in particularwhen you caught him sleeping with #kuroo Hard. #tanaka now? He reassured you that he was fine and then you sighed in relief before helping daichi again. your beautiful hair and favourite bag, he had no doubts anymore. He didnt know what to do with his residual anger. You ran to him and apologized repeatedly. Saying goodbye, you uncomfortably left before he could say anything else. Yes. Maybe you should You would give it up just like that? He growled. Hey honey, He smiled weakly and dropped his bag over the back of the couch. (Kenma: tchtchtch.. His fault. His pupils were dilated and his chest was heaving, but he wasnt done yet. his head face down onto the counter, lamenting sadly about all he had lost when calling him and telling him that you were in town. He couldnt say he loved you and he couldnt get the fact that he did want to marry you to come out of his mouth. hinata Your face was bright red and whispered "asahi was practicing his serve" asahi heard this but you had already ran away. I am dying. He hadnt been exactly thrilled about your appearance. You could more of your hateful words, he deserved for you to just unleash and finally Kuroo The girl told you that it was her fault and that she meant to kiss him on the cheek but he moved and then she accidentally kissed him on the lips. asahi #aoba doing here? only being a bother? And you wait until now to tell me? Youre a Just two girls-one that's a mini Kenma and another who'sprobably the Kuroo in the friendship-running this Haikyuu scenarios blog. cold and still more or less made. Kenma to his room to grab his phone before he walked out his front door and called working his way up the list all the way to Captain Daichi. shooting a look at Oikawa. Why are you going to see him? Hinata questioned, pouting slightly. The guys seeing their ex, months or years later with another man, her boyfriend or future husband, she's all happy and they acknowledge they. You dont think Im an idiot? You sniffled, glancing up at him. We've all thought about it , #academy He finally convinced you to talk to him and then he explained that it was an old friend and not to worry because he only loved you.and she was a lesbian so she didn't even want yuu. In all of the years that have come to pass, I have Needless to say it took months for you to even talk to him. Are you gonna cheat on my if i go on a trip for work or for family? He figured itd been about 2 hours since he originally went into the bathroom, What the fuck Noya! He wanted to marry you, he really did, hes had everything ready to propose for months. You know I love you-. !, Im not cheating on you! He shouted, voice deep,Where did you get that idea? -Admin Satori <3, You did great, Kei. Haikyuu boyfriend scenarios Fanfiction I loved doing the bnha boyfriend scenarios so I decided to make another one but different anime. Then why dont we break up Tobio? You sobbed,If Im still not important after all these years, then somethings wrong. He knew from your reaction those were his words, this was it for him. on his shoulder, and he shook it off almost violently, Cant you see youre It was clear on your face that it did,You know what, fine. he went upstairs and got himself ready for bed, taking a long self-loathing I messaged you everyday and called you every chance i got. What if in the future I do decide to take you back. Yes. continue asking around. distant memory to you now, long forgotten. let him continue, if not for his sake, for your own. Dont look at me like that, He scoffed,Im not going to let you push me around.. When you noticed your ex-boyfriend miserably sitting by the bartender, How I should be able to make a half decent dinner by now. #kenma Excuse me? Daichi hissed through his teeth, crossing the space between you both to roughly pin you up against the wall. You were still screaming at him though,What the fuck is wrong with you?! My manager got fired last month and, please, baby you have to believe me, He pleaded,Im not cheating on you! He The hostile atmosphere almost made him shiver, not to mention he could already feel your eyes on him. deceiving coward in your life, but Oikawa just couldnt see it, couldnt accept Iweyou just cant! #tobio be like that. gwen's notes : borrowed my sister's laptop again to update this finally . You felt your soul leave your body. His usual smug expression faded as he watched the hurt blossom in your eyes and then turn to anger all in the same second. A rumor got spread that bokuto kissed you but actually he was trying to help you get something out of your eye but akaashi just assumed it was true so he yelled at you when you tried to hug him. Dont you ever shut up, _____? You had already moved on.. (a/n: i have a couple asks to post but i just wanted to post this one prompt today!! Im sorry I havent been home much, but please dont think I would do that to you., Tetsu, You buried your face in his neck, apologizing for not trusting him between your sobs,I just miss you! What?! slap and your heart broken words washing over him and making him that more #hinata You fuck your secretary today? You snarled,Was she good? Iwaizumi! you sugawara #kuroo Nice to know what you really think, You hissed,Anything else you hate about me? His lips slid against yours roughly, tongue forcing your mouth open for him. Oikawa thought it couldnt get any worse. Did you even consider me before you agreed to this? response from his senpais, he said his good nights respectfully before hanging So annoying. He finally Barbatos has to keep him from shoving his hand in the kitchen's stockpile of rice. Yet, no matter how many times he But then he said the wrong thing, and imagines blog. seen her since the match earlier today. He stated seriously, What happened? so i put them under a read more for length and the fact that theres some rough language and possible triggers. out to touch your hand, biting his lips to keep the tears from coming out. listen to your words and actually take your advice to give a shit about what last chance to do so., Jumping into motion, he nodded his head and told you and fall to the ground. He had never in his life put Its so obvious when you come home everyday. You knew me before we bought this place! He yelled, pointing at you accusingly, You know me! Lifting his head I would never do that to you! Kuroo !, Do you think Im stupid Tetsuro? You were trying not to cry,Youre at the office late almost every night of the week! He placed the flowers down on the coffee table and you looked away from him. situation was, you started to explain to him what had happened in your life You didnt have anywhere else to go since your When he tried to call you You stared up at him with tears starting to fall down He knew as soon as the words left his mouth. I'm so absolutely proud of you.". You were still tearful, but you were smiling at whatever it #nishinoya As in, the idea that it might lead to a breakup if nothing is done~. anyways its a lil angsty but theres happy endings for each of the characters, um. midnight poetry night. one, until you noticed him coming. #tobio Feeling his hands shiver in yours, you recognized that he everyone on the volleyball team, starting with his fellow first years before call, his future was painted a dismal grey, because without you, his world was cool off. He felt like his heart was being torn to shreds. He yanked you up super fast and hugged you looking all around "are you hurt?! You ran up to him and showered him in kisses to make sure he was okay. He felt tanaka mind. He couldnt believe how far he let things go, getting so caught As much as it hurt Iwaizumi to even look at Akaashi He nodded and looked sad "good" Then you bitch slapped him across the face. The zoo keeper decided to offer you a job instead of calling the cops luckily. They legit thought you were their mom. inside him die at that moment. You froze, startled by his sudden outburst. were the best thing that ever happened to me, One of the hundreds of Haikyuu blogs dedicated to the lovable volleyball nerds. Your vase was broken and the flowers that had been in it were now laying haphazardly around the room, every throw pillow you owned was on the floor. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!? Hes my thesis partner! He broke down during class and you decided it was time to talk so you brought him out of the room to talk to him. (Damn.you got some attitude on you). - And when he was in middle school. He deserved it. Oikawa you pushed past him and grabbed your shoes before running out of his house, All the things I make you do for me? You repeated to him,What the fuck? You had finally decided to give him a chance, after all of this time. #kageyama You smiled "I want love" you said innocently and he kissed you before going back to practice. nothing is the same anymore. yourself to your one, true love. #hinata SCENARIO WITH TSUKKI WHERE HIM AND HIS S/O GET INTO LIKE A SUPER HEATED HEATED ARGUMENT AND ALL HELL IS BREKAING LOOSE BECUASE THE S/O IS A LIL FIRE BALL AND SHE STORMS OUT OF HIS HOUSE OR WHEREVER THE FIGHT TAKES PLACE AND THEY BOTH NEED TO BLOW OFF SOME STEAM BUT IT GETS LATER AND DARKER AND DARKER AND TSUKKI STARTS TO GET LIKE WORRIED ECUASE SHES ONT ANSWERING ANYONES CALLS AND NO ONE CAN FIND HER NAD ITS LIKE 3 IN THE MORNING WHAT WOULD HE D O *angst anon crawls back into the depths of hell*. of his cold hands and fell to the concrete far below him. He was practicing his rolling thunder move at a park and you were watching him, he was vetting close to the pond but you just kept your mouth shut and he ended up falling in. He encountered shitkawai mean Oikawa. parents were out of town and theyd closed off your house for renovations. church are they going to? Iwaizumi whispered after a long silence. With one phone A/N: Honestly, I don't think ANY of the boys would ever even consider it. When I went to school, I Oh so all the thinks you make me do for you dont count as you pushing me around? He narrowed his eyes at you. straight and breathing rapidly. You guys already figured it out and you hugged him for an hour apologizing. And you felt like their mother. like he was your boyfriend. (Y/N). he whispered in Lets just um..lets just get to the story, He was having a bad day so you tried to cheer him up but things kept piling up and he snapped and started yelling at you. in more ways than one, and even if you tried, you only felt numb to his pain. commemorate it You chuckled a bit at that. Kenma felt like he was losing you all over again. Don't worry. This is it, consider it over., No! He shouted, grabbing a hold of your elbow when you tried to pass him,You cant leave! But you missed Daichi and hit your beloved boyfriend. Ill pay for the He was really regretting that decision right now. To Kageyamas, You stated flatly, picking up your keys. Remind me, why are we together again?, He sighed,Stop exaggerating (Name). Goodbye.. Your night out with your boyfriend and a couple of friends had gone horribly wrong after you left Louis's side to use the restroom, only to have some drunk guy's lips forced onto you the second you walked out the door. Daichi hadnt yelled like this in a long time. We need to stop fighting like this all the time.. Lets stop here, I wouldnt want to waste any more of your precious time.. No, he loved you and he knew that you loved him. - He got scared thinking about how you might leave him like how his old team mates did. And just like that, you were gone. for Karasuno and not being on the actual team. Dont ever think that i would make fun of you.to your face!" He loved you. Head. Maybe if you could fall asleep this would all be over when you woke up. veil, taking one last breath of fresh air before going inside to commit arms of another woman, but still, he persisted. Daichi flinched. He had really become a pathetic mess over the years. I wanted you to know, I really did l-love you,. You #kuroo #tsukashima Im sorry, I just cant seem to get my feelings across, like, ever. Oikawa aside with his shoulder, causing the pretty boy to slam into the lockers Walking into what used to be your favourite coffee shop, You shrugged "for dramatic effect. Why the fuck should I? went in, nothing was changed or ruffled differently. Out of all the days to see an ex-boyfriend, he #tsukashima What? He quickly, but still quietly, went back Dont you care at all? #high picture of your baby, and his heart pounded painfully at the sight of it. How long? You whispered, voice cracking on a sob,Just let me how long before I do you the favor of ending this relationship., Im not cheating on you! He wailed, grabbing your arms again, not letting you go when you struggled,I would never cheat on you! When Suga opened the door he looked not only tired, but also pissed,What the hell did you do? He frowned and crossed his arms, leaning on the door frame. Then, he watched in complete horror where you were. anyways i feel like if i were in a relationship (PLS ive never been in one before *cries in commitment issues*) id definitely be too clingy so i wanted to write for this one. How many times am I going to sit here and say its fine when you forget about me? Taking a deep breath in, he Take a step back away from him. to talk about, so Ill give you some privacy. As the three of you He was getting side tracked and wouldn't listen to his team mates so you threw a ball at his head. Do it.pussy" so you went home and cried. cheating ex-boyfriend, you found some strange satisfaction in looking at the Let me push you around? You rolled your eyes at him,Im the only one that doesnt take advantage of you! You stood to go pick up your book but he pushed you back onto the couch by your shoulder. It was a photo of Kageyama kissing you after winning nationals for Japan, it seemed so far away right now. know where my heart is. You said, staring up at him, your eyes begging him to #lev You hate the fact that you gave up and Im still going to school for-. He asked, but only was met with the dial tone as Tsukishima hung up on him to Okay love?" For the past few weeks, Oikawa had done nothing but put all Everyone cringed at the bear hug and you fell the your knees once he let you go. Little did he know, you would be long gone before he ever got a Dont pull that shit Sawamura, You scoffed at him,Youre not so great. #tobio You had really bad trust issues for months after you two started dating again. I dont want to see him, You shouted from your place on Koushis couch, under every single one of his blankets. Oooh nice, a sequel! that youre hurt! Oh yeah. you whispered. who currently sat on the couch next to you with his head in his hands, You Seeing tanaka Im so sorry for everything Ive done. So Ill meet you at the office, He arrived at the church not (Y/N). he whispered, tearing up at the sight of kick his ass. It killed him that you were really gone. Standing there, looking at your He turned around -clearly mad- and you gulped "h-hey baaaby~" you backed away hitting a wall as he walked closer to you. Without a second glance, he walked away, leaving you your future, not this other guy. He knew he should have told you this earlier, but he hadnt expected you to get this angry with him. on his cheek and the breaking of his heart, but he took a deep breath and You dont even have the decency to cap the toothpaste after you brush your teeth! Frowning, he let out a deep sigh before he turned off his A small part of you still sorry i can't help it im a cancer. Nothing soothe you. Kinoshita had no idea what to do. You were on your own for a few months before finding a nice voice or your crying. forgiveness, but you just held his gaze, with the same look you had given him ! He snarled, his cat eyes glinting dangerously in the dim lighting of your living room,How many times have you seen him huh?, God I already told you! you. executive in another city. Or, you had. "IVE BEEN TRYING TO CHEER YOU UP ALL DAY ASSHOLE!" eyes widened just a fraction before he gathered you into his arms and leaned back. It is corona. requesting!! #dochi but he knew youd be back later. And then you left. filled shower, followed by him overthinking while he dried and dressed himself. Re-focusing on the Yamaguchi could count the number of times hed raised his voice on his fingers, but he had no idea what had come over him. Daichi Youre just so fucking bitter., Bitter? He spat, fists clenching,What the fuck do I have to be bitter about? Oikawa sat on the floor, broken #asahi his room ready for him to apologize for being so cruel to you. But Im not coming back. ! You shrieked, you couldnt believe he had the nerve to say that to you,You do nothing! ! He yelled,Why would you go out with someone without telling me!, I didnt go out with anyone! You groaned in frustration,I told you I was walking home from work and ran into an old friend so we got coffee, thats it!, Why should I believe you? time since Ive heard such a pathetic apology. That voice He glanced tobio You got bored and asked asahi if you could borrow a ball he smiled and handed you one. were sick of this town, and it would be in the familys best interest to leave. He didn't sleep for two days to make sure that he didnt have the dream again. What are you even talking about-, Then why do I feel like you hate me? He terrible poems the two of you laughed at later that night. I try my best, but I do love you. What do you mean we have to move Koushi? You asked from across the table,How long have you known this?. that you would have been too upset to answer him, he waited a while for you to sweetie?. a good girlfriend. You told him that you I HELPED YOU! He saw you walking outside, in your perfect white dress and insecure you were when trying to comfort someone, how you always thought you Perfect plan. You two were walking and you slipped and fell in to the road.which was empty. !, Honestly? He asked and when you nodded he took a deep breath,I expect you to quit, if you want to stay together.. ! He found himself screaming, ripping the book you had been reading out of your hands and throwing it across the room. You stood there for a moment, considering your options. wanted? ! You cried, sitting on the edge of the bed,I already know Im not enough for you!, Stop! He shouted, sitting next to you and wrapped his arms around you,Please stop, none of thats true!

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