It's a good placement for marriage, but it can quickly evolve into . For the most part, however, you truly enjoy each others company. Proper protocol is considered important in your dealings with structured organizations, and you are careful to follow their rules. You may have felt a deep sense of knowing one another, or of fatedness, when you met. You easily put the blinders on and gloss over the bad stuff. Composite Ascendant in Pisces. Not the most reliable couple around, you dont like to be bound by schedules and rules. You are an interesting couple that projects an image of being fun to be around. Composite Ascendant in Capricorn. Jealousies and possessiveness can be a real issue between you. Scorpio is the fixed water sign ruling the 8th house. Shows what's needed to make the relationship work. You might want to examine whether addressing real problems makes you nervous, and that could be the reason why anger is expressed over petty things. Yes, Saturn brings restrictions and difficulties. You may often feel that the emotions between the two of you are on display in some way. You are not inclined to serve each other, and any demands to do so will be turned down. Composite Moon in the 4th House. As a couple, you project an aura of depth and intensity. Idealizing each other is great unless its taken to an extreme. You may fuss over each other, and you do whatever you can to make the partnership work. You joke around with each other a lot, and tend to keep things light and airy. In any of these situations, the element of responsibility is the overwhelming factor. Because pleasure and enjoyment are what you expect from one another, deeper more intimate issues and responsibilities may be avoided or glossed over. You tend to make impulsive emotional decisions when together, and this gives an intimate and personal quality to the relationship that is intense and pronounced. Sun In 8th House Transit, Sun In 8th House Composite. Your combined philosophy of life tends to be quite realistic and practical. Concern for equality in your partnership is a motivating force. You are likely very eager to learn and grow, and generally ready to laugh. The drive to enjoy yourselves is strong in this relationship. A classic love-hate relationship may be an expression of this position. With this placement, there is a propensity for resentment. With this placement, there is a deep, almost unconscious belief that each of you need the other to feel complete. Instead, you are able to communicate creatively and spontaneously. You may be nervous and restless as a couple, or always on the go. You are not a demonstrative couple (in public) and others may think that your relationship may be more like a business than a romance as a result. Not surprisingly, my husband and I have a 8th house composite Sun. Problems can arise if you over-identify with your image of being the perfect couple who is living happily ever after. Communications between you are friendly, clear, and mostly unbiased. This can be good and bad. They may not be business set-ups, but they can often feel like them. A light spirit of friendship, communication, and learning is at the heart of your relationship. You are unlikely to be demonstrative towards each other in public, and this could be due to self-consciousness or the result of the extenuating circumstances of your partnership. Your relationship itself may be hidden from view or others may not know it exists at all. Watch that you dont develop a tit for tat attitude towards one another. This influence will make them simply resist transformations, change, and growth. The purpose of the relationship is to explore as far as possible and break old rules about the way the world should be. The 8th house is the house of death and regeneration. At worst, you incessantly worry about your finances and your financial future always seems bleak. Andthe 8th house ruler is Mercury, which happens to be in 11th house conjunct Neptune, ruler of 2nd house, and Sappho. Rather than coming across as stable and constant, you appear to be changeable. You may not say anything though, which can lead to resentments, and you each may bottle up any bad feelings you have until you explode. The fourth house is the house of family karma. Composite Uranus in the 6th House. I am a young at heart Aries who likes partners with Saturn maturity who I can be teacher for. If the Sun is seriously challenged, lack of fun can become a major issue. Or, you might find that giving each other space helps as well. This is a challenging position for the Composite Sun, as it suggests a basic inequality in your relationship that could undermine it over time. Composite Venus in the 5th House. The best way to keep this relationship feeling alive and vital is to give one another a lot of specialized attention, but also the freedom to express yourselves as individuals. it may be difficult for you to share with one another, and you may have a hard time using resources that you have or finding any new resources together. At times, the relationship may lack a sense of peace, as there is a surge of energy generated when you are together that can be hard to ignore. They equally desire one another in most cases. Whatever the case may be, one of you may feel that your needs are not met, or that you are sacrificing something in order to be together. When transit Saturn is in the composite 8th house, you may struggle with your emotional bonds and intimacy in the relationship. Theres nothing superficial about this relationship. You likely enjoy conversing about everything under the sun with each other. But think about the difference between Saturn and Uranus, and you start to understand the unique ways each house expresses itself. You need to maintain a feeling of peace and balance, but the process involved in order to achieve this harmony can be lengthy! When they do emerge, they may surprise both of you, as they have been brewing for some time and are well-developed. There may be a feeling that you hold each other back from experiencing life freely, yet there is no actual evidence of this in the behavior of either of you. There is much potential to have a great time with one another. When transit Jupiter is in the composite 8th house, you may enjoy being intimate with one another, and can feel your emotional bonds grow stronger. The Moon in a prominent position in the composite chart suggests that emotions are dealt with quite promptly and directly. You bond deeply and tend to hold on to each other quite tightly. While grievances tend to be out in the open, and this can be very helpful, you will need to try to avoid competing with one another. In the sixth house of daily work routines, lifestyle and doing things correctly, Saturn puts an overly serious tone on an already serious house. Some may find the relationship lacking somewhat in depth or intimacy, as emphasis is on the rational world of logic and intellect. Whatever the case may be, Saturn in the house of beginnings and initiative suggests some awkwardness, simply because Saturn is not very comfortable doing the initiating when it comes to close, intimate relationships. Scary as it may seem, but they can perceive what the person's dark side is. However, it also has the potential of being quite challenging, as it tends to pull two people together in such a way that either or both feel almost as if they have lost their personal identity. 8th House : The couples ability for commitment and ownership together. The 8th House is known as the House of Sex, but physical contact becomes a problem when Saturn is placed in this House. Your relationship can too easily enter a rut, as the main focus is on security and stability. A composite tenth-house Saturn can take you far, but it can also make your relationship structured and heavy. However, in either case, you are serious about your finances and assuring yourselves a comfortable life in this material world. Herein lies the main challenge of this position. One of you may talk down to the other, or there can be a heavy emphasis on talking about problems, burdens, and responsibilities instead of more light-hearted and happy conversations. You may feel that there is an imbalance of responsibilities, where one of you puts out more effort than the other. You tend to agree with one another on most issues, and you are enthusiastic about sharing your personal philosophies with each other. The tenth house is about achievement and status, usually in a career, and Saturn represents the father-figure that takes things seriously, is cautious, concerned about the future and craves security. Sexuality between the two of you is very physical and you can be possessive of one another. Composite Ascendant in Sagittarius. Reactions to each other and to the environment are immediate. Still, you are possessive of one another. (His progressed pluto is 17 in 5th house). Such a relationship brings individual pain and suffering to influence a transformational change in the partners' personalities. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Reality must be met head on when Saturn is present. A tendency for each of you to take your beliefs too seriously is a common manifestation of a composite Saturn in the ninth house. Composite Ascendant in Libra. As a couple, you are focused on long-term financial planning and don't waste money on fleeting desires. Paying attention to the theme of the Composite Suns house placement is especially important. They can sense if someone's mood has changed. A general feeling that the relationship is closing in on you is often experienced and it makes the relationship feel restrictive. There may be an unspoken feeling a blame between you, but there is no real reason for it. Your sex life may be sporadic or there could be a feeling that one of you makes more sacrifices than the other. You are warm, tender, and sympathetic towards one another, ultimately giving each other the benefit of the doubt. The Composite Sun reveals the heart of the relationshipthe primary reasons for your coming together. Strong second house relationships are built on security. A composite eighth-house sun relationship feels deep. This house represents the part of your relationship that feels restrictive and burdensome. Stifling one anothers feeling of freedom of expression is one of the worst things you can do. The most typical response to this transit is that you feel depressed, you might be lacking in self-confidence, you feel that your handle on life just broke. Mutual support is essential to your relationship, and if you ever sense this basic ingredient is going by the wayside, do your best to get it back. In the fifth house of creativity, and self-expression through mediums, such as, romantic relationships, child rearing, and art, Saturn's realism and overwhelming sense of practicality can put quite a damper on things. the difficult conversations will be had. You value saving over spending and have a practical attitude about spending money on the pleasures the world has for sale. This is an especially sensitive position of the Sun in the composite chart, and it calls for you to keep your eyes open. Here are some generalized descriptions of the basic energies of the different composite Ascendant signs. Composite Venus in the 12th House. Transit Jupiter in the Composite 8th House. There is a dreamy aura about you. In order for this partnership to function best, however, neither of you should try to force a commitment from the other. it may be difficult for you to share with one another, and you may have a hard time using resources that you have or finding any new resources together. In the ninth house, this can make you both focus on what's right and wrong in each other's lives and play judge and jury with each other. Composite Sun in the 5th House. When this planet is placed in the eighth house in the birth chart, you can expect the effect of Saturn to appear on an unconscious level. There is an earthy sensuality to your relationship that is unmistakable. If the Moon (as an additional pole of Saturn) embodies, Saturn gives the right to exist. You want to drive the cars and live in the neighborhoods that make you appear successful. Associations with friends and neighbors take on a formal tone with this placement because of the serious nature of Saturn. The feelings you have for each other, and the emotions generated between the two of you, run deep. You may blame each other for financial difficulties and accuse each other of wastefulness or laziness in matters of maintaining material security. You may focus on sharing more with one another what you have, and making the relationship more resourceful. Always putting work first can be a drag and keeping up your public image can be stressful. A possible solution for this position if it is found to be a challenging one is to spend some time apart periodically so that you dont burn each other out and it can feel fresh again. Venus finds the 8th house person very mysterious and feels this magnetic pull to discover what they're all about. Saturn here can make you critical of each other's abilities to do things correctly and efficiently. Composite Moon in the 9th House. Sexual fantasies might play a large role in this relationship. With this placement. Conversation isn't just a whimsical pastime. This relationship inspires you to move, learn, and search. When transit Mercury is in the composite 8th house, you may focus on something intensely together, something you need to know more about or get to the heart of. There is a feeling of obligation with this arrangement. It shows where and how the couple shine and express their vital life energy. Composite Ascendant in Cancer. Theyre hard to hide. Generally, taking the relationship itself seriously and as a responsibility is the ultimate result of this placement. Saturn in Aries/First House As a couple, you have a serious manner regarding anything societal or institutional. The Pluto person can help the house person become more organized, fit and healthy. The entire house is about merged energies, whether they be sexual or financial. Succedent House Type: A Succedent house type is ruled by a fixed sign. When transit Pluto is in the composite 8th house, you may be more intense with whatever you focus on together. At the same, it may confer an element of suspiciousness and nosiness in the person who has this in their chart. However, if you understand the influence, you can work with it, rather than letting it be the dark cloud that drags you apart. Composite Saturn in the 12th House. Defining whats yours and whats mine is a challenge, as there is an attempt to merge together on a deep level. Next: The Composite Chart: Planetary Aspects. Composite Moon in the 1st House. A busy 8th house shows a very deep bond between two people. Sun in 2nd or 8th house in composite chart: You will be incredibly secure in this relationship and may focus a lot of attention on creating security, whether that is material or spiritual. As a result, decision-making as a unit can be challenging, as you always see the other side of the coin. It also shows how the couple copes with daily ups and downs. Look to the individual charts to see who might have a hard time with this kind of emotional excitement and who might understand it and feed off it. Expect unpredictability in your daily lives together, and you will do better together. The secret relationship will be private, but it will also be sexually satisfying. Copyright 2013-2023, How the Zodiac Signs Ruin their Relationships. You tend to think in terms of constancy and the long term. If either one of you begin to see the other person or the relationship itself as a responsibility, all of the fun suddenly comes out of the relationship. Together, you are somewhat restlesseven nervousas you inspire curiosity in one another. You have come together to enjoy yourselves and to boost each others egos. Because Saturn is always focused on the long-term, you are careful not to say things that will lead to future suffering. You are a likeable couple that projects an image of harmony, politeness, style, class, and balance. Venus, Mars, Uranus and Pluto aspect my Midheaven. How these positions will play out will depend on the aspects the planet makes, as well as which houses and positions the planet rules. It doesn't seem to have real source, and you can't find a way to bring it out into the open and discuss it. There may be some resistance to commitment, as Sagittarius is a sign that demands a certain amount of personal freedom. If either one of you feels that you are in the relationship in order to support the other person rather than for love, resentment can build. This takes the joy out of blindly diving into a mysterious new love affair, and it's difficult to keep the flames of passion burning brightly as time passes. It is natural to feel very comfortable with one another, as if you have known each other long before you actually have. an 8th house stellium shows a relationship with transformative and heavy energy in which the partners have deep understanding and connection with eachother, however not an easy stellium for some people. You are a couple that blazes new paths. As well, the need for tangible proof of commitment and security together may drive you to overspend. This will keep the fun from getting out of hand, but it will still allow enough looseness of spirit to enjoy your romance. There will be a. fear of not having enough on which to get by, thus making you work. A strong spiritual connection can help you to feel that your bonds are unbreakable, and this can help you grow closer. Twelfth-house planets are repressed. Masculine & Feminine Signs: Are you More Masculine or Feminine? Still, one or either of you may wish for more intimacy from each other and less freedom! Saturn represents fears, limitations, restrictions in astrology. The sixth and the eighth house are also karmic houses. As well, you instinctively consider one another as an equal, with equal say in your union. The eighth house is a mysterious sector that rules birth, death, sex, transformation, mysteries, merged energies, and bonding at the deepest level. The couple will have to work on communicating what it is they want from the relationship, but this can be challenging. Your Sun Sign is Your Key to Happiness & Success, Guess Sun Signs by Understanding Sun-Sign Auras, Top Athletes Throughout Time & Their Astrological Signs, Relationship Test: Compatibility Versus Attraction, The Secret to Sexual Chemistry is found in our Astrological Sun Signs, The Zodiac Signs & Commitment to Relationships, Moon Sign Compatibility: The Best Indicator of a Long & Successful Marriage, Aries Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Taurus Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Gemini Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Cancer Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Leo Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Virgo Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Libra Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Scorpio Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Sagittarius Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Capricorn Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Aquarius Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Pisces Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction. In fact, you can develop nontraditional and even breakthrough ways of living and working together. You take your ability to earn an income and provide for yourselves as a couple seriously, and hard work is something you both consider necessary. This union is quite resilient, although you may overestimate what you are capable of doing together. When transit Venus is in the composite 8th house, you may enjoy strengthening the bonds of intimacy in your relationship together. You are inclined to focus on details rather than the big picture, and this can make you quite susceptible to the tiniest of changes in your environment. Don't let Saturn drag you down this way. A lot of energy can be put into maintaining a balance, and one partner might eventually tire of this energy drain. You pour a lot of energy into building and maintaining your connection. The Pluto person may become obsessed with the house person. The fact is, they have been eating at you for some time, but you havent been able to bring them to the light. Expressing yourselves sexually and creatively comes naturally, and inhibitions in these areas are unlikely unless Mars is seriously challenged. Composite Venus in the 8th House. As well, others see you as quite protective of one another. It can make your home life feel overly serious. Emotional impulsiveness can be exciting, but also problematic. In fact, you feel a strong sense of purpose as a couple. Schedules and routines are rebelled against, and it can be hard to feel organized with one another. The responsibilities that go along with this dependency may be challenging at times, but the depth of commitment and intimacy you are capable of can be most rewarding. The main challenge of this position is potential dependency on the relationship itself, as it feels almost like a lifeline.

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