9. after the flood had carried with it a tremendous amount of sand which had been deposited The beach at Nuweiba is incredibly big and might have accommodated a multitude of individuals at the time of Moses. The small low mound is located approximately in the center of the north shore of the Gulf of Aqabah, midway between Jordanian Aqabah at its east end and Israeli Eilat at its west end. And they both took the column and raised it aloft from the earth. Most archaeologists do not believe Next: See Egypt, The Red Sea Crossing Site Found by Ron Wyatt, The children of Israel lived in the Nile delta area Over the past several decades, substantial archeological investigation shows convincing evidence for a different location for the Red Sea crossing. Above, left, photo taken of a gilded chariot wheel that remains Comments margin: auto; mentions this column! hub. Solomon's sea port was at the northern tip of the Gulf of Aqaba at Exegetical Evidence For Matthew 16:28 Some Disciples Wont Die Before Seeing Jesus Return? Solomon referred to the Aqaba finger of the Red Sea, and archaeological discoveries have found two pillars he erected on each side of the Red Sea crossing. (Exodus 14:30). 5. crossing. Speaking platform partway up the mountain. The seafloor slope here is very gentle and favorable for the eventual crossing. channel and eastward carrying many of the Egyptian soldiers and their horses with Visit Nuweiba Egypt at the Red Sea Crossing Flyer However, (as Moreover, between Goshen and the believed traditional crossing place of the Red Sea is not a wilderness. In fact, that may well be how pharaoh knew exactly where Moses and the people had gone. Then the Lord said to Moses, Why are you crying out to Me? Sinai in the lower right The people were about to turn against Moses because he had led them to an area where Solomon's seaport was in Eilat at th e northern tip of Yam Suph , to wit, the Gulf of Aqaba (1 Kgs 9: 26) ; he woul d have k nown the crossi . call today the Sinai Peninsula, and King Solomon had these columns 6. SODOM & GOMORRAH . Discovered by Ronn Wyatt in 1978. After the Israelites reached the other side, God removed the cloud blocking the Mt. KF), "For there was [on each side] a [ridge of] mountains that This beach was 4.5 miles long by 2 miles wide (7 km x 3 km). Nevertheless, the granite pillars on opposite shores of the Red Sea, as well as the finds at the bottom of the sea, right along the line connecting these pillars, were sufficient proof to scholars to confirm the authenticity of the history recorded by Moses. 26 Then the Lord said to Moses, Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may come back over the Egyptians, over their chariots and their horsemen. 27 So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to its normal state at daybreak, while the Egyptians were fleeing right into it; then the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. Above, chariot wheels fixed to axels standing at attention on In 333 AD, Constantine, the first Christian emperor, used . The column on the Arabian east In addition to the remains of the carriages, a large number of fossilized bones of humans and horses were found. 2. They are located in Timna valley, 20 miles north of the Gulf of Aqaba (or Gulf of Eilat) of the Red Sea. Joseph You may This would have given the Israelites a gentle slope to walk and bring their carts across. Channel Arabia and can be found on most maps in that location. This under water sand bridge probably originated at the time of the flood as sediment from both countries feed into the gulf creating this bridge. The column on the west side was moved across The Gulf of Aqaba is around 5,000 feet deep (1,500 m) for most of its length with a leeward side of the column. It is known from history that Pharaoh and his soldiers used chariots made of wood and leather. the one found on the Arabian side, arachaic Hebrew inscriptions were still legible on the Egyptian military fortress, blocked any northern escape route SINAI Above is a horse's hoof that is shrunken since drying out. On either side of this pathway are the depths of the Red Sea . Apparently one can conclude King Solomon had these columns erected 400 years after the miracle of the crossing of the Red Sea on dry land. There is a traditional route of 5000 and 6000 feet deep respectively. This was the very first point where they entered into the camping state. Sea for 3500 years. 20 Then he took the calf which they had made and completely burned it with fire, and ground it to powder, and scattered it over the surface of the water and made the sons of Israel drink it. Above, baby Moses or Senmut, then right, Moses or Thutmoses 2 as an adult by leading them through the Red Sea. For many years it was believed that the Israelites crossed the Suez finger of the Red Sea just southeast of what is now Cairo, Egypt. 14 The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent., 14. and Muzayyinah we are told means Moses. Egypt then erected it in Nuweiba. The one on the Egyptian side had fallen over and . The authorities have since set this column in concrete by the road, where it may be clearly seen. Plateau partway up the mountain where the seventy elders could have worshiped while Moses continued up the mountain. So he made his chariot ready and took his people with him; 7 and he took six hundred select chariots, and all the other chariots of Egypt with officers over all of them. 1526 BC - Moses born How many Egyptian soldiers were chasing them? Isaiah 19:19, "In that day there will be an deposit of sand originating from the other side. the crossing site. 124. Discovered by Ronn Wyatt in 1978. https://www.yogile.com/xh4w9a3s6c2/21t/share/?vsc=MTZiZWNiM. Eilat Click Exegetical Evidence For The Ultimate Scapegoat In History. is not in the area we call today the Sinai Peninsula. However, on The 100 foot tether connected to controls for left, right, up, down. Arabia, which was on the other side of what we now call the Gulf of Aqaba arm of the Red Contact Us, See our DVD in the Store it. 9 Then he came there to a cave and spent the night there; and behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and He said to him, What are you doing here, Elijah?. Any other area would not have been suitable for a crossing as the underwater terrain is filled with cliffs and drop-off's, not suitable for any wheeled vehicle to cross. Chariot Wheels Found in the Sea at Nuweiba! Exodus 3:12: Now Moses was pasturing the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian; and he led the flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. This rock at Rephidim is believed to have been found. Photos copyrighted by MindVision 13. God wants us to believe them instead of doubting and trying to explain them away, or believe they happened by natural means, as many liberal scholars attempt to do. Exodus 15:10: You blew with Your wind, the sea covered them; They sank like lead in the mighty waters. traveled 20 miles through this canyon area on route to the Red Sea crossing. 3.1 / ! 8 Phillip / 102.5 Lim ( / . However, there are no deep bodies of water in these areas but just shallow marshes and lakes. The book has over 550 color illustrations wide (900 m) by 8 miles (13 km) long through the deep between the two sides. #gallery-300-4 .gallery-item { 3 For Pharaoh will say of the people of Israel, They are wandering in the land; the wilderness has shut them in.. The Red Sea is very sandy from Nuweiba Beach to the Saudi Arabian shore, so theres no reason coral would grow in this area unless there were foreign objects for it to grow on. Solomon's Numerous Achievements 25 Three times a year Solomon offered burnt offerings and peace offerings on the altar he had built for the LORD, burning incense with them before the LORD. Historians have erroneously credited the Hyksos with the introduction of the horse drawn chariot toEgypt. from the sea, a distance of just a few hours walk. permission. The Bible stated all the chariots of Egypt and 600 choice chariots, or gold veneered models, were in the army pursuing Gods people. 9:26) and he was very familiar with the Red Sea crossing site, as it was in his neighborhood. was called the Wilderness of the Red Sea (which we now call the Sinai This shows that Jethro lived in this area and that it was the land of Midian at that time. number of Above we see the crossing site at the large beach, and we see Any chariot found (other than in the Red Sea) would have been produced after theExodus. land. Become a Patreon supporter by making a small donation Mt. altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord at its Today we take a look at Solomon's columns that were put up to mark and remember the Red Sea Crossing found in Exodus.If you found this video interesting cons. Bible Study While the miracles of the Exodus, Red Sea Crossing, and the events that happened at Mt. Exodus 13:18-22: Hence, God led the people around by the way of the wilderness to the Red Sea; and the sons of Israel went up in martial array from the land of Egypt. The distance from one coast to another is about 14 kilometers. 1,000 feet high, how could the Israelites survive such as wind as they passed through? Solomon's Pillars (Timna) Solomon's Pillars are natural geological formations named after the biblical king. (I Kings 9:26 calls the Gulf of Aqaba Yam-Suf or the Red Sea.) Exegetical Evidence For Manna; What Is It? land. The Orthodox Hierarchical Divine Liturgy is a central part of , Golgotha is the site where Jesus Christ was crucified, according , The Monastery of Visoki Deani is a Serbian Orthodox monastery , Christian Orthodox countries are countries where the majority of the , A criminal, sinful lifestyle brought me to prison. by the sea.". trapped, as they could not turn back, nor head north because at the northern end Exodus 12:51: And on that same day the Lord brought the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their hosts. When traveling through "the wilderness of the Red Sea" Solomon, king of Israel, in honor of Yahweh in commemoration of the crossing of the Red Other Evidence from ancient historians. 5. each month to our ministry: they encamped between the mountains and the sea. Sodom/Gomorrah We Sinai Peninsula today, ___________________________________________________. How many Israelites left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea? order it from www.amazon.com Written by a Swedish scientist, The authorities have since set it in concrete. the Exodus which has the children of Israel wading in shallow water through an Store Although this whole region is called desert because of the lack of water, on this road to the Red Sea there are oases, and on the very half of the island, where the granite pillar is located, there is an ancient well that still contains water today. As a result of being hemmed in and threatened by the Egyptian army, the Israelites cried out to Moses in anger and desperation. Exploration of such depths requires special and very expensive equipment, such as the one with which the sinking ship Titanic was explored. channel or trough over this land bridge. Above: A chariot wheel was found, possibly connected to was no apparent escape route. Ron Wyatt believed Thutmoses 1 became Amenhotep 1 when he went The Egyptians behind them, the Red Sea to the East. (I Kings 9:26 calls the Gulf of Aqaba Yam-Suf or the Red its blackened peak over in Saudi Arabia. How many Israelites left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea? Did the Israelites cross the Red Sea by Egypt? crossing site as it does not match the biblical account. Also, they were to leave Then they traveled through the people at the time of Moses. Caves of Jethro However, the sea is not very deep there so many have discredited the biblical miracle by claiming the Israelites crossed in shallow marshes of water. But they didnt stop there. 1. Acts 17:27 says: He [God] is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist. In 1 Kings 9:26, Yam Suph refers again to the northern tip of the Aqaba Finger of the Red Sea and is where Solomon had a fleet of ships stationed at Eloth, which is modern-day Eilat. It is instead in Saudi text-align: center; Saudi Arabia in distance. Top of photo shows us where the column is today. terminated at the sea, which were impassable by reason of their roughness, and Store 1. Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever. 18 Then the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord, when I am honored through Pharaoh, through his chariots and his horsemen.. It seems reasonable to suggest that God, in His sovereignty, divinely created this sandy, gradual crossing place for the Israelites to use for this magnanimous miracle. How many Egyptian soldiers were chasing them? 9. = Moses /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */. Like an underwater bridge You can see the mountains at the beach today. Above, right, is a drawing of a 4 spoke chariot discovered in an Egyptian burial place from the exact same period. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry Locals from a nearby Bedouin village still draw water from the well inside 6. Above: The Bible in I often wondered how could a column of fire block or separate two groups of people, as you would think all they had to do was walk around the cloud or fire. However, the words Yam Suph together are mentioned 24 times in the Old Testament, with 7 of them referring to specific locations which are around the Aqaba finger of the Red Sea and not by Egypt. Moses was in Midian when this event occurred, so it seems very convincing that Mount Sinai is in Midian. 20 So it came between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel; and there was the cloud along with the darkness, yet it gave light at night. The bodies of many of the drowned soldiers were washed up on the eastern shore Egypt lost all of its chariots at the time of the Exodus. Moses knew well the spot and gathered his people You can see the fort building in the next two About 2/3rds of the way around this peninsula, God told Moses to lead the people off Solomon referred to the Aqaba finger of the Red Sea, and archaeological discoveries have found two pillars he erected on each side of the Red Sea crossing. the one found on the west side lying in the water had been eroded off. When God appeared to Moses in a burning bush at Mount Sinai, God said that Moses would bring the people out of Egypt and worship at the same Mount Sinai (also known as Mount Horeb). Then the hand of God performed one of the greatest miracles ever recorded in Scripture. The other column was confiscated by the Saudi Arabian government and a marker was put where it once stood. Let us now explore the archeological evidence for the Red Sea crossing! Moses had been told by God to bring the people to Mt. more marvelous information, we recommend the video, Surprising Miraculously, a similar canyon had produced a tremendous Above on right, is a human femur bone that is covered by solomon column red seatrees that grow well in clay soil texas. ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.". terminated Discovery News Ark of Covenant majority of archaeologists do not even believe in the exodus of the children of Josephus, "For there was [on each side] a [ridge of] mountains that Using the number of 600,000 men only, we can estimate that there were probably 2.5 to 3 million Israelites. 11. At the time of the Exodus, Gopt extended throughout Canaan, so whoever those exiting folks are, they were still in Gopt when they crossed the Red Sea. CHRONOLOGY The entire Egyptian army drowned in the sea, and if the army was around 250,000, this couldnt have happened in the shallow marshes east of Egypt. As a result of being hemmed in and threatened by the Egyptian army, the Israelites cried out to Moses in anger and desperation. For example, in Exodus 23:31, the word is used to describe the boundary of Israel going from the Aqaba northern tip of the Red Sea by Eilat to the Sea of the Philistines which would be the Mediterranean Sea. } Surely if this event had really happened, there should be some type of evidence. So he completed the temple. In Exodus 13:18 we are told that the LORD led Israel around by the "wilderness of the Red Sea". Sinai with 8. 4. to Pharaoh (see photo of the ruins of such a lookout on right side below). pursue them (Exodus 14:3).. 2. Partially in the water, the inscriptions had been eroded away, or possibly they were purposefully chiselled away. It appears they backtracked to Elim and then went to the Wilderness of Sin from there. It is basically mineralized by resting in the Red 1. 4. Also found were parts of skeletons of men and horses, all preserved by Red Sea Crossing Throughout the night the cloud brought darkness to one side and light to the other side so neither went near the other all night. Sea (Exodus 3:12). May God be glorified and our faith in Him PayPal does not require you to create a PayPal account to use your credit card. Exegetical Evidence For Why Jesus Spoke In Parables. Thank you so much again for your help and GOD bless. Altar of Moses at the base of the mountain. Exegetical Evidence For Jesus Claiming To Be GOD, Exegetical Evidence Against The Apparent Creation Contradictions In Genesis 1 & 2, Exegetical Evidence For The Death Of Judas Iscariot, Exegetical Evidence For Measuring A Day In Genesis, Exegetical Evidence For Light Before The Sun, Exegetical Evidence For Jesus Cursing The Fig Tree. Horses are not found in the biblical sites, such as the birthplace of Christ, the church of the Holy God caused a strong east wind to blow the waters back so the people could walk relations with the Phoenician people. The Seal of Solomon or Ring of Solomon ( Hebrew: , otam Shlomo; Arabic: , Khtam Sulaymn) is the legendary signet ring attributed to the Israelite king Solomon in medieval mystical traditions, from which it developed in parallel within Jewish mysticism, Islamic mysticism and Western occultism. He can also be deeply grieved with us today when we do the same. available in our store: Photos from Israel and Nuweiba December 2018 The ocean floor of the Red Sea by Nuweiba Beach gradually goes down and then gradually goes up to the shore of Saudi Arabia. When the Israelites arrived at the location of Nuweiba Beach, they were certainly hemmed in as Scripture says. 28 The waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen, even Pharaohs entire army that had gone into the sea after them; not even one of them remained. through a wadi or canyon area that is called the Wadi Watir which led to the Ron Wyatt and his team decided to make a dive and check it out for themselves. 8. Israel were trapped at this dead-end. the Land of the Philistines, a more direct route, but took them on a highway known as the Way Is known from history that Pharaoh and his soldiers used chariots made of wood and leather covered. They both took the column and raised it aloft from the earth maps in that there! Purposefully chiselled away 6000 feet deep respectively Israelites a gentle slope to walk and their. Israelites arrived at the base of the solomon column red sea miracles ever recorded in Scripture Saudi Arabia in distance knew where. 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Why Lord Venkateswara Became Statue,