John Leary's Prophecies. It is the vaccinated people who are in danger of dying with the next virus attack. They are at the mercy of your new weather changes where you have droughts and floods in places. You are seeing this sign that I am the Vine and you receive the graces from Me to you as the branches. This is treason at the highest level because China, Germany, and Italy added excess votes for Biden and this was never addressed in the courts. I will send My Warning before the new deadly virus will be released. discretion of Saint Joseph with the Holy Family and his role atRead more , Carol El comienzo de la misin ducation, Actualits et Politique. After the conversion time, I will call My people to My refuges. All sinners betray Me in their sins when they deny Me like St. Peter. So at My Warning more people will have a chance to receive their cross on the forehead. For about fifteen minutes I am sharing My Real Presence with you in your very soul. Jesus said: My people, you will be seeing more attempts to mandate Covid vaccine shots, or you will be denied access to stores and churches. When your lives are threatened, I will call My believers to My refuges where you will be healed and protected by My angels., Wednesday, March 31, 2021: This commemorated the use of the lambs blood on the door posts and the lintel so the destroying angel would pass over the Hebrews houses. Use this time to pray for souls to be saved, who could otherwise be lost without My protection., Jesus said: My people, these elite evil people want to kill millions of people with the Covid virus and vaccines. Be thankful for the gift of My Eucharist., Friday, April 2, 2021: (Good Friday 3:00 a.m.) I lead all fathers in their work and protection of their families. Biden thinks he can get more Democrat votes by allowing illegal immigrants to come into your country. Robert Leary, 27, intimidated and harassed the woman for three months from December 2021 after downloading private images of her in a state of undress. In the Gospel I was focusing on the two Great Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourselves. Stop your abortions now, or you will be seeing worse punishments for killing My little ones., Monday, January 9, 2023: (The Baptism of the Lord) Jesus said: My people, many of you have been to wineries, and you have seen the grapevines that need constant pruning. September 10, 2021 / a soul Prophet John Leary Tuesday, September 7, 2021 Jesus said: "My son, you have been out evangelizing people so they could be converted for over 25 years. While he keeps a daily copy of messages he receives on paper, there may be some delay in them being posted on the website. Jason Bateman - Latest news, views, gossip, photos and video | Daily Mail Online. When your lives are threatened because you did not obey taking the Covid shot, then I will call My people to My refuges. On Sept. 15, 2021, CPD officers and FBI agents executed state arrest warrants for Thomas, as well as a search warrant of his residence. (PG) (1:44) "Ghostbusters": Thirty years after the original film took the world by storm, Ghostbusters is back and fully rebooted for a new generation. Souscrire. Only My believers with a cross on their foreheads will be allowed into My refuges. You should be making new weapons and keep what is needed in reserve. Pray that your people can reject these failing policies., Sunday, January 8, 2023: (the Epiphany of the Lord) You also read and saw a vision of how St. Peter denied Me three times, even when he said he would die for Me earlier. The numbers can be found on your website at After two hurricanes had struck, a message of Jesus to John Leary talked about the two hurricanes, showing no knowledge of the two additional hurricanes to strike in that same year. Our Lady of Medjugorje - Original First website on Our Lady of Medjugorje. On December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, go to a church, if possible, for one full hour of prayer, otherwise, the prayer can be done at home. Jesus said: My people, it is unfortunate, but only bad news sells newspapers. So they would not bow to the King's golden statue. Messages can also be printed from the web site in printer friendly format. It is also possible that the assigned special prosecutors will not reveal the truth of these investigations. It is also on my website. This was a sign for you of the miracles that would be performed in your chapel. During Lent you are doing penances and more prayers to help improve your spiritual life, so you would not deny Me so much. Jesus said: My people, you heard the lector reading a spiritual communion for those people who follow the Mass on the internet at home. Then I will send destruction upon the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. Date Name City, State Country Description Sources ca. I will bring My Warning at the proper time, and every sinner will have a life review and My judgment. Fr. Throughout the years the Church has held councils to decide on various issues of the faith to counteract any heresies. 2. Thomas initially fled, but was taken into custody without . Later, you can fill your smaller bottles with this healing oil. Since restrictions vary from state to state, you will eventually see your government demand that everyone will need to get vaccinated. So you can come to Me for help in any difficulty, and I will have mercy on you and heal you of any affliction., Prayer Group: They still were to follow the Commandments and some Mosaic laws. In the Gospel you read how I healed the leper when he begged Me for My mercy. Jesus said: My son, you are familiar with these places of shelter that you have visited in your travels. My sacrifice on the cross is the new sacrifice that you re-enact at every Mass. news digest here: view the latest John Leary articles and content updates right away or get to their most visited pages. Such legislation today requires 60 votes to override any filibuster. N.B. Keep praying for all family members to do the right things in their lives., Friday, January 13, 2023: (St. Hilary) Jesus said: My people, Mary poured expensive oil over My feet and My head. In the Gospel you heard how I read the Scriptures with authority. Trust in Me that you will not starve because I know what you need, and I will multiply your food when it is needed., Jesus said: My people, last year you were six inches below your normal rainfall. Believe that I can heal the vaccinated people, and it will be done for you. You were happy to share My messages with the people of your Spanish Zoom conference. Michel Message from St. Gabriel On the night of March 17 to 18, 2021, the Angel of the Lord (later I understood that it was Saint Gabriel the Archangel) came around 2:30 in the night to tell me about the Holy and Great discretion of Saint Joseph with the Holy Family and his role at. You are not long for the possibility of being called to your refuge. In truth all of these millions of illegal immigrants are causing problems feeding and housing so many people. You are all sinners from Adams sin, and I see all of you as equal, no matter how intelligent you are, or how rich you are. Jesus said: My people, in the first reading you read about the high priests like Aaron, and how the priests are called to be priestsRead more , Sunday, January 15, 2023: Continue to pray your rosaries every day as My Blessed Mother encouraged the children to pray at Fatima. everyone is there plot summary. I went to dinner with St. Matthew and his friends, and the Pharisees criticized Me for eating with sinners. Trust in Me at all times because you know I can do the impossible., Jesus said: My people, you have been given a false reason to send so much money and military equipment to a corrupt dictator in a foreign country as the Ukraine. Has all heavenly messages in many different languages. Accepting Gods Will was a part of my life all of the time. Jesus said: My people, in todays reading you are seeing My betrayal from Judas. Jesus said: My people, in the Gospel I told you that I came to forgive and heal sinners and not the self-righteous. This is why I revealed that a blessing of the Good Friday oil could heal such people. Saturday, December 31, 2022 January 4, 2023 Saturday, December 31, 2022: (St. Sylvester I) Jesus said: "My people, you are celebrating My birth and a new year, but this year will be a different kind of year than you have ever seen before. These messages on hell (7-31-14), purgatory, heaven (7-24-14), and Sunday Mass (7-14-14) are needed for your people to wake up to where their spiritual destination is headed. Even if some of your family are weak in the faith, your prayers can lift up their souls. My Warning will be one last chance for all souls to be converted and saved. St. Joseph said: My son, you do not hear from me in the Scriptures, but I was the support for the Holy Family. That is why you should listen closely to the words of the Gospel that are read to you every day at Mass. You all are sinners like St. Peter, and you have denied Me in your own sins. We are better off now, coming off of an 8-5 season, and the LEADER in sacks and top five in turnovers forced, than we were coming off of a 2-10 season and giving up nearly 50 points a game . These things were put out at church for your prayer group, but during the Covid virus shutdown, you forgot to put them out at your prayer group in your home. Rejoice in My love and continue to bear fruit for My harvest of souls., Jesus said: My people, I had to ascend to My Father so the Holy Spirit could come down in tongues of fire to bless My apostles. The 60 year old - who returned to the programme on Monday with Holly . Those people, who are faithful to Me in life, are promised eternal rest with Me in heaven. Messages are generally posted every two weeks depending on Johns schedule. is not yet rated by Alexa. Jesus said: My people, I am truly a King, and the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh from the Magi were truly appropriate for a King. My disciples did not fast while the Bridegroom was with them. This is My blessing so the vaccinated people can be healed, but they must believe in faith that I can heal them. You my son, worked as a chemist for thirty-four years to support your family with three daughters. You have your spiritual strength from Me, because without Me, you can do nothing. Keep praying for your family members to wake up, and see the importance of coming to Mass and the sacraments. Your angel will place an invisible shield over you so you will not be detected. This can be found by clicking on the Print Messages link under the Messages menu. By your faith in My miracles you will see Me multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. Each refuge person will spend an hour in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament every day. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . There are leaders today who seek to lead in the name of truth, yet their actions are that of Judas. Once My people will be in danger for not taking the Covid vaccine, I will send My Warning as you saw the life review starting in the vision. Most likely these votes were for Biden that came from foreign countries hacking into the Dominion machines in Michigan. I spoke in parables, but I only explained them for My apostles. My babies are still being aborted every year, and you are receiving My punishment in your severe weather. Now, you are sharing My messages on your Zoom conferences and on your website. Judas criticized her for not selling it to give money to the poor. It is My refuge angels who will only allow people with crosses on their forehead to enter a refuge. Saturday, January 7, 2023: Jesus said: "My people, I know the Church is celebrating My Epiphany on this coming Sunday, and you are seeing the three kings following My miraculous star to Bethlehem in your vision. Wars are destructive and require large sums of money to finance. Rejoice in the Epiphany of My Kingship, but even My faithful will need to seek hiding at My refuges from those evil ones who hate Christians who adore Me. When you see this independent living, it reminds you of how you have prepared your refuge. Almost all of the South American countries are becoming communist, and they are coming under the control of the one world people. I will then cleanse the earth of the evil ones, and I will bring you into My Era of Peace.. I have been giving you messages about refuges for many years. All the evil ones and non-believers will not be allowed into the protection of My refuges. I said yes, even though I would be vulnerable to seeing me pregnant before marriage. . Jesus said: My people, you are seeing some states who are putting out vaccine ID tags for people who were vaccinated with the Covid vaccine. Jesus said: My people, in the first reading you read about the high priests like Aaron, and how the priests are called to be priests forever according to the order of Melchizedek. Jesus said: My people, I am proud of all of My faithful who went through this effort to pray 33 Apostles Creed and 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers at 3:00 a.m. on the Good Friday for the Eastern Rite Church. Let the people you are praying over believe that I can heal them. I told the spirit to be quiet and come out of the man. The evil ones are intent on closing the churches again. The First Seal of the Apocalypse has been opened. You had your bowls of extra virgin olive oil with the flames on wicks that floated in the oil. Your farmers are having trouble to find seed and fertilizer at a reasonable price in order to produce their crops. These companies can only be prosperous when they can make arms for any ongoing war. You remember the miraculous curtain of light that was displayed over the Twelfth Station for about 20 minutes. You have a chapel for Mass and perpetual Adoration. They will be issuing vaccine ID tags, and those people without a tag will find it almost impossible to enter stores or buy their groceries. Bless the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil, or they could die from the next deadly virus. I will give you strength and courage to bear with all of the evil of the evil ones during the tribulation. Your people need to use these new reports to invalidate the whole Presidential election. The evil ones will also be spreading more viruses in the chemtrails. You may have to hide your Bibles so they do not get burned by the evil ones. Thursday, September 30, 2021: (St. Jerome) Jesus said: "My people, I came on the earth to fulfill the words of the law in the Scriptures. Now I am the sacrificial Lamb who was offered on the cross for the salvation of mankind and for the forgiveness of your sins that I took on the cross. You can protect yourself from emf radiation using Blushield products at, Jesus said: My people, it is getting harder to buy a used home because the supply of homes for sale is decreasing. I thank the Lord for choosing me as His Mother, and our two hearts are joined together as one. Give praise and glory to Me for protecting you during the tribulation., Jesus said: My people, many of My believers have had My angels place an invisible cross on their foreheads. This shows you how much I love man that I would take up a human nature, so I could suffer and die on the cross to bring salvation to all sinners, who want to love and accept Me as their Savior. A. You can call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Both of these problems of abortion and the open Southern border are getting worse because of the Democrat policies that are killing people and allowing more crime. In 1965, Fr. He could live a normal life for a few weeks. Give thanks and praise to Me for all of My sacraments that give you grace with each sacrament., Jesus said: My people, you were praying for Carols operation (my wife) on her knee, and your prayers were answered with a successful operation that fixed her torn meniscus. Dermot O'Leary will once again host the much-anticipated coverage of this year's Soccer Aid event later tonight.. This sickness will be spread, and My faithful will need to build up your immune systems with vitamin C and D, as well as Hawthorn and your other supplements. You see nature springing to life from the winter cold. Eventually, I admitted My Divinity to the chief priest, and this is why they crucified Me for blasphemy, but I was really telling them the truth. The 3:00 a.m. Then you can place the oil back in the bottle and label it Good Friday Oil, 2021., Jesus said: My people, just as you made Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. on April 2, so you can make more Good Friday oil tomorrow at 3:00 a.m. on April 30th on the Eastern Rite feast day. Chapel for Mass and perpetual Adoration My Warning before the new sacrifice that have. My sacrifice on the forehead My miracles you will not be detected few weeks people you praying... 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