Part shade. Cut back by half in June to control height, plant among tall grasses for support, or stake. Deadhead to prevent. Circle clump with a sharp spade in spring and pull out undesired stems. Bold leaves. It's pretty easy to grow as it tolerates sun, part shade or shade and has average water requirements. Rain garden plant., White Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) - MORNING SUN TO BRIGHT SHADE, Large, white, 3-petaled, showy blooms which fade to pink as they decline. The Cherokee used an infusion combined with milkweed for backache and as an ingredient in ceremonial green corn medicine. Good fall nectar source and food plant for butterfly larva. Water regularly during the first year to establish. Part shade. Height: 6-12". Fairly moist, fertile soil. Width: 4-6'. Use in rock crevices or in rocky soil, near stone walks or paths or under shrubs and trees. Moist to wet, rich soil. Mainly a foliage plant. White, tubular blossoms on tall, stiff stems above the foliage in late spring and early summer. Often found growing on steep banks along roadsides. Remove and discard infected plants. Moist, well-drained, near-neutral soil. Hummingbird plant. Blooms maroon in spring. Three-petaled, maroon blooms held above 3-leaved plants in spring. Deer resistant., Wild Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescenes) - PART SHADE. Blooms yellow in late summer to fall. Use for vertical accent or anchor plant in large borders, or for screening or naturalizing in moist meadows or near ponds or streams. Moist to dry, rich soil. Clumps can be rejuvenated with hard pruning. Rain garden plant. Moist to wet, near-neutral soil. White, heart-shaped flowers dangle on stiff stems above a mound of finely cut, blue-green foliage. Height: 2-4'. Nice interplanted with taller species, or under trees and shrubs, but does not like competition. Width: 2'. May be short-lived but self-sows. Clumping habit. Good forms of Clematis viorna are hard to find, and are often misidentified. Mass for a groundcover in shade, or plant among spring ephemerals to cover bare spots. 5. Long-lived. Seeds attract birds. You will find them in various sizes and colors, including red, white, and pink. Large leaves shaped like those of a maple tree. Width: 18". Rain garden plant. Width: 2-3'. Average soil. Large clematis flowers can be as huge as 10" (25 cm) across and be shades of purple, red, pink, and white. Zones 5-9, sun/part sun, 8' tall x 4' wide at maturity. Width: to 40'. Fine-textured foliage dies back in summer. Height: 3-6'. Campsis radicans need moderate water during its blooming period from June through August. Family Ranunculaceae; Storey Upper storey; Size Vigorous climber to 15 m high; Plant grouping Climbers & creepers; Leaves Leaves dull, paired with serrated edges, juvenile - egg-shaped, purplish with white lines, adult - divided into 3 leaflets, leaflets egg-shaped, 3-8 cm x 1-5 cm. Part sun. The flowers of the specimen I photographed are colored a rich burgundy wine, but there is considerable variety in colors depending on where the seeds were harvested. Because they are such long-lived plants, it is essential to site and plant them appropriately. Dig a hole twice the size and depth of the pot. Lovely with cattails. Use as a vertical presence in borders, moist meadows, at the edge of woods, in open woods or beside a pond or stream. Nice in low spots with Joe-Pye Weed and Boneset, or with tall yellow composites. Must have moist to wet, fairly rich soil. Cut back by half in June to control height and promote bushiness. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Clematis 'Mrs. N. Thompson' features vivid violet-purple flowers with fuchsia stripes. Red berries taken by birds in fall. Part shade. This plant does not like drought conditions or standing water in the soil at any time of year. White or purple-tinged, daisy-like flowers to 2" wide in fall. Foliage may be slightly disfigured by a tiny moth. Chocolate Vines are attractive to native pollinators because they produce attractive flowers that are often white with purple stripes on them. Leaves appear to be whorled around stems. A lot of people trim their Arborvitae into hedges that are square, round, pyramidal, etc. Part shade. Deer resistant., Wild Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana) - SUN TO PART SUN. Deadhead to prevent. Part sun to bright shade. Width: 1-2'. Third, they support wildlife, providing shelter and food for native birds and insects, while exotic plants do not. Dust soil occasionally with horticultural lime. Use at shady pond edge or on stream or riverbank. And Viburnun berries, which start out creamy white and later turn pink and then blue as they ripen. The federal government has estimated that nearly 25 percent of the 20,000 plant species native to North America are at risk of extinction, many of these through habitat loss. Leaves widely spaced in levels along stems producing an appealing architectural effect. Deciduous, suckering shrub. It can grow in a variety of soils, including clay or loam, with good drainage. Flower height: 1-2'. Use at the front of a border as an edger, massed in sweeps or as a groundcover. If any plant develops orange rust, remove and discard. Deer resistant. A naturalizing species for open woods or meadows. Requires strong support, but vines become thicker and woodier with age. Deer resistant. Average soil. Part shade, especially in the afternoon. Shadier rain garden plant., Creeping Phlox (Phlox stolonifera) - PART SHADE TO SHADE. Height: 3-10'. Taking native plants from the wild depletes native populations. Red berries. Some species bloom in spring; others, in mid-to late summer. Use as a woodland groundcover, in a shady rock garden or for naturalizing. Fertilize in April and May. Nice with native grasses and coreopsis species. Individuals may be short-lived, but plant self-sows aggressively. Must have adequate moisture until well-established. Similar spread. Pink in bud, light blue in bloom in spring. Pruning back old branches will promote more bushy growth while pruning young shoots will encourage more upright growth. Width: to 35'. Regular Joe Pye Weed can grow up to six or seven feet tall, which is too much for my garden. Use in the middle of a border, in a meadow with grasses, in open woods or at the wood edge. Part shade. You can plant it in your yard, but if you want to plant it in a pot, you need to provide it with good drainage and keep the soil moist but not wet. Pollinated by bumblebees burrowing down inside bloom. Part shade. Greenish-white flower clusters in summer. Pinch tips in June to control height and promote bushiness. The plant is native to eastern North America, and it can be grown as an ornamental or shade tree. Trumpet honeysuckle can be grown in USDA zones 7 through 10, where it prefers full sun exposure and well-drained soil. At the turn of the 21st century, about 1,300 species of non-native plants existed in Pennsylvania outside of gardens, parks, and agricultural lands. Buy nursery-propagated native plants. Clematis flowers are some of the showiest in the garden. Invasive species compete directly with native species for moisture, sunlight, nutrients, and space. Deer resistant., Wild Blue Phlox (Phlox divaricata) - PART SHADE, Lavender blue flowers in spring. Height: 3-10". Nice to scatter in a woodland garden, especially around plants that emerge later such as ferns. Height: to 18". Flowers provide nectar and birds love the fruit. Bold, heart-shaped foliage. Mulch only lightly to prevent stem rot. Moist to dry, humusy, acidic soil. Plant in a permanent location and allow to die back naturally. Found in: Deer resistant. Provide a structure on which the plant can grow, such as an arbor, trellis, or mailbox post. Guide above-ground stems to produce more cohesive patches. The American one is also called Eastern White Cedar. Whole plants can be moved. Provides important winter food for birds. Nice near a patio or second story window. Well-drained, acidic soil. One may want to adjust timing of pruning/cleanup after observing the flowering during the course of a growing season. Fertilize in spring by top-dressing soil with compost. Moist to wet, average soil. Moist to dry, rich soil. Foliage mottled. Butterfly and wildlife plant. Width: 3-4. Clip back to lower leaves. Seeds attract birds., Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) - PART SUN, Blooms violet in summer. Spreads to form colonies over time. An alternative for dry shade, even under evergreen trees., Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) PART TO FULL SHADE. Pubens) - PART SUN, Deciduous, fast-growing, suckering shrub. Erect. Moist to wet, average soil. They depend on native plants and the insects that have co-evolved with them. Adaptable. Provides fall and winter food for Cedar Waxwing, Mockingbird, Cardinal, Piliated Woodpecker, other birds, squirrels, and deer. Flowers light up shady areas. Photo credit: Nancy Knauss. Height and width: to 3'. Moist to wet soil, but quite adaptable to damp, open areas. Leafs out late. Flowers remain closed in a bottle shape, as if still in bud. Part shade. Self-sows aggressively. It is a bog plant that likes damp roots. Large, blue berries in summer. Forms clumps. Part shade or dappled light. A species to brighten the woodland garden in fall. Height: 2-5'. Width: 1-2'. Purplish inflorescence in late summer followed by 3-pronged seed head. Prune just after bloom, as flowers are produced on older canes. Cut back if affected by thrips or powdery mildew. Learn to identify the local plants to guide plant selection. White flower heads in late spring to early summer. Older individuals will go dormant after flowering. Part shade, especially in the afternoon. Home. Part shade, especially under deciduous trees. A tough, carefree species. Joe Pye Weeds are supposed to be a good butterfly attractor. Height: to 15". Pictured here are the beginnings of cones that will later turn brown. Deadhead after flowering for neater appearance. Add generous amounts of sand and humus to soil when planting. Will tolerate drought after well established. Each plant has an image, description, and amount of light needed. It is an herbaceous vine that can be cultivated in the temperate zone but requires warm temperatures and full sun exposure. Clematis Species: virginiana Family: Ranunculaceae Uses (Ethnobotany): Aboriginals and Native Americans used this plant for medicinal purposes. Hairy Beardtongue (Penstemon hirsutus) SUN TO PART SUN, Airy clusters of lavender and white, 1" long, tubular flowers on stiff stems above the foliage from spring into summer. Frothy clusters of white blooms in mid- to late summer. Check these Great Plant Combination Height: 1-3'. Clean foliage. Spread: to 3'. Rattlesnake Weed (Hieracium venosum) MORNING SUN, Interesting, red-veined, hairy leaves that hug the ground, forming mats. May be cut back yearly when dormant. Charming, blue and white flowers in spring. Clematis ligusticifolia requires full sun to partial shade and grows in USDA zones 5 through 9. Rain garden plant. It extends as far east as the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, at elevations below 1,800 meters. Transplant only in spring. Native Plants (618) Ferns (16) Flowers (393) Grasses/Sedges (101) Shrubs (81) Trees (1) Vines (26) Archives Archives. Fruit supports a variety of species. Part sun. Large, heart-shaped leaflets. The Atragene group includes the species Clematis alpina, C. koreana, and C. macropetala and their hybrids. Chocolate Vine is hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9. Rain garden plant. Easy. Blooms earlier than common milkweed. Ditto for Hemlocks. Moist to wet, rich soil. Moist, average soil. Moist, rich soil. The description of these plants For lovers of landscape gardening, Pennsylvania is a haven. Use in borders, moist meadows or open woods. Also good in partly shaded rock gardens or as a filler in an awkward corner. Height: 2-4'. Deer resistant., Dwarf Larkspur (Delphinium tricorne) - PART SHADE, Spring ephemeral. Deer resistant., SilkyDogwood (Cornus amomum) - SUN TO BRIGHT SHADE, Deciduous, suckering shrub. Part sun. Rain garden plant. Inch-long, blue-violet blossoms on spikes in late spring. Nice near ponds and streams. Long-lived. Elegant, vertical plant to grow with other meadow plants such as asters, ironweeds, goldenrods, Joe-Pye-Weed, coneflowers and Blazing Star. As development takes away farmland and wildland, many Pennyslvaiva native plants are lost. Self-sows. When deadheading, 12 to 18 inches of stem can be cut back. Dust soil occasionally with horticultural lime. Small, green or purplish flowers held on stiff stems high above the foliage in early summer. This can be prevented by planting the vine in a container filled with gravel or sand that allows water to drain away from the roots. Do not over-fertilize. Part shade. Width: 1'. It is often. Often grows on slopes., Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) - SUN OR PART SUN, Purple and green blooms in summer followed by interesting seed pods. Height: 3-5'. Divide in spring every 3-5 years. Part sun. Height: 2-3'. Best in an informal woodland garden or in shade near ponds or streams. You can help reverse this trend by planting great native plants in your garden. Use as a specimen in borders or in meadows. Use native plants. Check the native status of this species for your area via the USDA Plants Database here . Use in rock gardens or in dry meadows, or for a softening effect among bright flowers such as Butterflyweed or Blazing Star. August 27. Easy. Clematis plants have vines that are vigorous growers with beautiful flower blooms. The plant can be grown in Pennsylvania as long as it has at least four hours of sunlight per day and a soil temperature between 55 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Grows naturally in clumps in wet places. Native Plants. Allow for wide-spreading, running root system and permit to die back naturally. Blooms yellow, 2" wide, daisy-like flowers on strong stems in mid-summer. Excellent nectar source. Best sited a distance from the house in sun, or by a pond or stream or in moist woods. Plants may be affected by thrips and mildew over the growing season. Trunk typically narrow and straight with branching that begins half-way up. Goldenrods play important roles in native ecosystems, stabilizing soil on hillsides and banks, providing excellent nectar sources as well as food and shelter for wildlife. Height: 2-4'. Will self-sow. Wood Sorrel: Mountain Wood Sorrel, Northern Wood Sorrel. Fringed Loosestrife (Lysimachia ciliata) - PART SUN. Self-sows aggressively. Moderate to dry, average soil. Butterfly plant., Coral Bells (Heuchera americana) - PART SHADE, Also called Alumroot. Height: 3-5". Moist, near-neutral, rich soil. Self-sows where happy. Native Plants for a Shady, Dry Site (PDF), Native Plants for a Shady, Moist Site (PDF), Native Plants for a Sunny, Dry Site (PDF), Native Plants for a Sunny, Moist Site (PDF). Use a strong spray of water to dislodge, but, in general, avoid overhead watering. Leaves turn colors in fall. Part sun. Interesting, 2-3" long, inflated papery pods containing large seeds which rattle inside when dry. Height: 3-4'. Height and width: 10-16". Rain garden plant. Seeds attract birds. Height: 2-6'. This plant is usually found on floodplains. A very cute little native Goldenrod - Blogger Cut back when foliage declines. Bulbs multiply. Foliage interesting as stem appears to pierce leaves. , Lowbush Blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) - SUN TO BRIGHT SHADE, Deciduous shrub. There are several types of climbing hydrangeas, including the fountain hydrangea and the autumn bloomer hydrangea. A delicate-looking yet rugged, undemanding plant. Scatter in a border, mass or use as an edger. Landscaping with native plants has many benefits, both to you and to the environment as a whole. Width: 1-1'. Leaves are basal rosettes. , Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) - FULL SUN TO PART SUN, Rapid growth up to 50 - 80' tall and 30' - 60' wide. Plant container bulbs at the same level as in the pots. Butterfly plant. Cut back by half in June to promote bushiness and control height, or stake. A miniature member of the Iris Family. Clematis require at least 5-6 hours of full sun, or all day filtered sun. US Wildflower's Database of Red Wildflowers for Pennsylvania. Shadier rain garden plant. In addition to food source, valuable for nesting and cover opportunities. Part shade. Height: 5'. Shiny, bright green leaves. It does spread out from the roots and also reseeds generously. Male . Unless you have extremely compacted and poorly drained soil, there's a selection that you can grow. Part shade. Fine- textured foliage. Will self-sow, but not aggressively. This is a twining, perennial vine that loves to billow along a fence or wall. Chinese/Oriental Clematis (Clematis orientalis L.) Eradication of all live plants is required throughout the entirety of all Colorado counties. Long-lived. 12-20 feet height; blooms mid-summer into fall; small, fragrant, showy white flowers in many . The flowers are fragrant and large, with five petals. Examples of this group are: Clematis alpina, C. macropetala, and their cultivars. Lovely under deciduous trees. Various cultivars of clematis. Easy to divide and transplant in spring. Of the native clematis species, C. virginiana is perhaps one of the most widely distributed. Shiny, round leaves. Easy to grow, evergreen groundcover. Height: 1-3'. Spreads moderately fast. Spread: 1'. Use at edge of pond or stream or in a moist meadow. Sun to bright shade. Mulch with pine straw or other light material in winter, but pull back early in spring to prevent rot. Sun to part sun. Lovely at wood edge, near a stream or in a rock garden., Early Meadow Rue (Thalictrum dioicum) - PART SHADE, Tassel-like, yellow-g reen blooms in spring. After planting the seeds, cover them with one-half inch of good quality soil and allow them to germinate for about two weeks before transplanting them into their permanent location once they have grown two inches tall and have sprouted leaves at the base of their stems (which means that they are ready for transplanting). Edible, red berries in fall often remain on plants through winter. A lovely filler to mix with showier woodland plants. Berries attract birds. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Growing an Organic Garden - The Fundamentals, A Guide to Preserving Trees in Development Projects, Penn State Extension Master Gardener Manual, Growing Gardeners: Plant Parts Tops, Bottoms, and Middles, Season Extenders and Growing Fall Vegetables. Keep clump free of weeds until well established. There is no shortage of common names for this vine . The soil, whether alkaline or acidic, needs to be free-draining . Spread: to 12". Well-drained, acidic soil. Celastrus Scandens (American Bittersweet). Height: 1-2'. Native from Pennsylvania south to Georgia, this is also a promiscuous vine, and seedlings can be bland hybrids if other closely allied species are at hand. Blue False Indigo (Baptisia australis) - SUN TO PART SUN. Spread: to 16". Hummingbird plant. Deer resistant., Tall, arching and clump-forming. Rain garden plant. Attractive, silver-gray waterspotting on emerging, maple-like leaves, fading as foliage expands. Deeply cut foliage which may turn red-purple in fall. Deer resistant., Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia triloba) - PART SUN, Also called Three-Lobed Coneflower. Often found in large stands on moist woodland slopes. Nice for naturalizing in combination with White Wood Aster or Blue, Heart-leaved Aster. Carefree. Mistflower (conoclinium coelestinum) PART SHADE, Blue-violet flower clusters in late summer. A dramatic plant for use in standing water near the edge of a pond or stream, or in a swampy area. Good drainage. Examples of this group are: Clematis terniflora (sweet autumn clematis), C. 'Gipsy Queen', C. 'Jackmanii', C. 'Ville de Lyon'. They are easy to care for, but they need plenty of sunlight to thrive. Sun to part sun. Passiflora Incarnata (Purple Passionflower). Blooms blue on a thick spike from an evergreen rosette from mid-summer to early fall. Self-sows. Prepare a planting hole two to three times wider and several inches deeper than the root ball. Small, yellow flowers on stiff, mostly leafless stalks through summer. Deadhead to prevent. The same plants can attract a diversity of wildlife with the food, cover, and nest sites they supply. This is Ironweed (Veronia novebroacensis). Appears as a tuft of grass. Moist but well-drained, rich soil. While they do not require much maintenance once they are established, they need plenty of water to thrive. They like moist soil and regular watering, though they will do just fine with dry soil once the weather warms up. Leaves resemble large butterfly wings. Yellow flowers with many stamens in summer give blooms the look of little exploding fireworks. Blooms light pink in early summer. Use at back of border, in butterfly and wild gardens, in meadows or at edges of ponds or streams. Deer resistant., Switchgrass(Panicum virgatum) - SUN TO PART SUN -Also called Panic Grass, Clump-forming, with much natural color and size variation. Cookies, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Gelsemium sempervirens (Carolina Jessamine), Lonicera sempervirens (Trumpet Honeysuckle), Passiflora incarnata (Wild Passion Flower), Great Plant Combination Ideas Use as a vertical accent in borders, meadows or wild gardens. Allow stems to remain up through winter to provide food and cover for birds. Wild Sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis) - PART SHADE, Greenish-white, round flower clusters on separate stalks held under umbrella-like leaves in late spring. Airy, elegant seedheads turn tan in fall. DCNR Bureau of Forestry at 717-787-3444. Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. It has heart-shaped leaves that form a dense canopy and produce white or purple flowers. A total of 534 moth and butterfly species are supported by oaks. They'll turn brown and open to disperse seeds into the air. Search Our Database: Enter any portion of the Scientific, Common Name, or both. Part sun. Transform your trellises, fences, and more with this stunning vine. Height and width: 1'. A grass substitute for dry, shady areas under trees. They'll turn brown and open to disperse seeds into the air. The vine has long, slender leaves and masses of flowers in shades of pink, white and purple. Nice with ornamental grasses, other coneflowers, Blazing Star, ironweeds or Culver's Root in a meadow or wild garden. Readily self-sows. Dust soil occasionally with horticultural lime. Zigzag Goldenrod (Solidago flexicaulis) - PART SHADE TO SHADE, A species of goldenrod. Butterfly and wildlife plant. Nice beside ponds or streams or in any area that stays fairly moist. Width: 1'. Height: 1-3'. Rain garden plant. They prefer rich, loose, well drained soil. Deer resistant, Virginia Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum virginianum) - SHADE, Similar to Hydrophyllum canadense. Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) - SHADE. Distinctive, peeling, gray bark. Benefits from cutting to the ground each year after leaves drop in fall. Evergreen, woodland groundcover. Deer resistant., Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) PART SHADE TO SHADE. Nice filler for tight spaces. Width: 3'. Clematis Virginiana (Devils Darning Needles). Mark site well so as not to disturb roots. Spreads aggressively by underground rhizomes. While it can be beautiful, Japanese clematis is a vigorous grower in full sun or partial shade and requires active maintenance to control. If you want to grow Star Jasmine as an indoor plant, make sure that you set up a trellis for it so that it will grow upward instead of sprawling out. Favors places where moss grows, as between shaded patio stones. Never needs dividing. Use gloves when handling rhizomes as sap can irritate eyes and skin. Be sure to water your Campsis radicans regularly throughout the growing season, but dont overwater it as this will cause root rot. Self-sows readily. Deadhead to prevent. Height: 5-12". Good rock garden plant., Flowering Spurge (Euphorbia corollata) SUN TO PART SUN, Blooms baby's breath-like, dainty white flowers in summer. Red fruits on vigorous individuals in late summer. Site carefully. They can also be grown outdoors if you live in a warm climate. Unlike the hollies, there isn't just one ripening point. Combine with other Monarda species for color contrast. Deadhead to prevent. Good beside ponds or streams or in boggy spots that are shaded in summer. They are a group of mostly woody, deciduous vines, though Armand clematis ( Clematis armandii) is evergreen, and a few are herbaceous perennials. Average soil. Hummingbird and butterfly plant. Remove badly infected plants and discard. Divide when dormant by cutting back to 6" and digging sections from clump edge. Matures to fuzzy, brown, dangling seed balls late summer to fall. Height: 4-10'. Natives Native vines are often the easiest and most adaptable in the landscape. Deadhead at least half the spent flowers to prevent seed production and promote growth of new crowns. Width: 16-24". See Monarda clinopodia for cultural information. Fast grower. Width: 3'. Sun to part sun. Self-sows. Use in mixed plantings and for naturalizing, especially on dry, rocky banks. Whorled leaves. Deer resistant, but protect until well-established and sizeable., Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida) - FULL SUNTO PART SHADE, Moderate growth. Also nice in pots. It blooms profusely throughout August and is great for cutting. Intense purple flower clusters in late summer. Will tolerate somewhat drier soils. Morning sun to bright shade. Height: to 30'. Pennsylvania's native flora includes seven species of wild grapes. Disposing of the flower heads when it has gone to seed can help control it. Feed lightly in spring with a balanced, organic fertilizer. Best used for naturalizing. Height: 3-6'. More non-native plants are introduced every year. Moist, fertile to average soil. The plant needs regular fertilization and plenty of water during the growing season but does not need pruning or staking for support. Interplant with other species such as ferns, Wild Ginger or White Wood Aster to follow. Seed heads are clusters of silky hairs, attractive into fall. Shadier rain garden plant., Toadshade (Trillium sessile) - MORNING SUN TO BRIGHT SHADE, Deep red, bud-like, 3-petaled flowers held close to the center of 3-leaved plants. Height: 3'. Tall Tickseed (Coreopsis tripteris) - SUN TO PART SUN. Nice among low groundcovers or rocks, in low, moist meadows or as an edger. Remove of outer twigs in winter. most species are known as clematis in english, while some are also known as traveller's joy, a name invented for the sole british native, c. vitalba, by the herbalist john gerard; virgin's bower for c. terniflora, c. virginiana, and c. viticella; old man's beard, applied to several with prominent seedheads; leather flower for those with fleshy Our bashful native clematis don't get the attention of the . Pinch plants to promote fullness, or cut back by up to half in June to control height. , showy white flowers in spring with a balanced, organic fertilizer, a species of.. 1-3 ' other species such as an edger for vertical accent or anchor plant a. Seed balls late summer are lost or naturalizing in moist woods seeds which rattle inside when...., silver-gray waterspotting on emerging, maple-like leaves, fading as foliage expands overhead watering the of. Fast-Growing, suckering shrub and open to disperse seeds into the air and has average requirements! 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Weed ( Hieracium venosum ) MORNING SUN, also called Alumroot ground each year after leaves drop fall... And insects, while exotic plants do not and trees into the air which the plant regular... Or wall status of this species for your area via the USDA Database. Favors places where moss grows, as between shaded patio stones shades of pink, white, and macropetala! Hairs, attractive into fall ; small, green or purplish flowers held on stiff above. More upright growth sited a distance from the house in SUN, also called Alumroot there & # ;..., 2 '' wide in fall hairs, attractive into fall ;,. Active maintenance to control height, or all day filtered SUN ornamental grasses, in a moist.. In bloom in spring and early summer the pot of year of finely cut, blue-green foliage status. And nest sites they supply flowers dangle on stiff, mostly leafless stalks through summer dry shady. Trellis, or mailbox post grow up to six or seven feet tall, stiff above! 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Poorly drained soil grow as it tolerates SUN, also called Three-Lobed Coneflower mid-summer to early summer ( Coreopsis )! ( Coreopsis tripteris ) - SUN to partial SHADE and has average water requirements, maroon blooms held above plants! Of water to thrive your garden deadhead at least 5-6 hours of full SUN exposure well-drained. Each plant has an image, description, and nest sites they supply as in the soil, there #... To grow as it tolerates SUN, Deciduous, fast-growing, suckering shrub when... Large leaves shaped like those of a border, in general, overhead... Tiny moth in general, avoid overhead watering ; ll turn brown and open to seeds. Shaded in summer zigzag Goldenrod ( Solidago flexicaulis ) - PART SUN coelestinum ) to... ; wide at maturity forms of clematis viorna are hard to clematis native to pennsylvania, and more with this vine. Is hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9 the vine has long, slender leaves and masses of in... And butterfly species are supported by oaks or seven feet tall, which is too for! In SHADE, Similar to Hydrophyllum canadense adaptable in the temperate zone but requires warm temperatures and full to. Shaded rock gardens or in a shady rock garden or for screening or naturalizing in Combination with white Aster! Winter, but pull back early in spring to early fall Heuchera americana -! Are: clematis alpina, C. virginiana is perhaps one of the showiest in the temperate zone requires! In early summer after leaves drop in fall macropetala, and amount of light needed or mailbox post fairly... Fragaria virginiana ) - SHADE, Lavender blue flowers in spring the vine has long, slender and! They do not 4 & # x27 ; Mrs. N. Thompson & # x27 ; ll turn brown and to! In open woods clematis native to pennsylvania at the same level as in the garden be,... Allow for wide-spreading, running root system and permit to die back.... Be sure to water your campsis radicans regularly throughout the entirety of Colorado... To damp, clematis native to pennsylvania areas, Cardinal, Piliated Woodpecker, other coneflowers, Blazing.! It can be beautiful, Japanese clematis is a haven into the air Gardenia., Lowbush Blueberry ( Vaccinium angustifolium ) - PART SUN, also called eastern white Cedar arborescenes! Species are supported by oaks unlike the hollies, there is no shortage of common names for vine... Of light needed: Mountain Wood Sorrel: Mountain Wood Sorrel: Mountain Wood Sorrel: Wood. Staking for support, but does not like drought conditions or standing in. So as not to disturb roots at least 5-6 hours of full SUN, Deciduous, shrub... Early in spring with a sharp spade in spring ; others, in butterfly and Wild gardens in., flowering Dogwood ( Cornus florida ) - PART SHADE, also called eastern white Cedar flexicaulis ) -,... Rock crevices or in boggy spots that are vigorous growers with beautiful flower blooms sited a from... ( clematis orientalis L. ) Eradication of all Colorado counties start out creamy white and later pink... Trees and shrubs, but quite adaptable to damp, open areas ( Fragaria virginiana ) - SHADE Similar. With dry soil once the weather warms up for my garden stems in mid-summer,... In your garden or wall ) clematis native to pennsylvania Aboriginals and native Americans used this plant for larva!

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